- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- Deadline date
- Opening of tenders
- Department
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Reference: 682/PP/GRO/PPA/18/10587
Cir©Lean is a pilot action that aims to support the setup and pilot operation phase of a network of businesses and SMEs to seize industrial symbiosis business opportunities and in particular:
(a) to elaborate and endorse a voluntary common approach for the reporting of industrial symbiosis exchanges
(b) to monitor the uptake of this approach by businesses
For clarity, the network will not provide the Commission with advice for the purposes of supporting EU policy.
The contractor will be responsible for setting up, as well as provide the technical and administrative secretariat, of an industry-led European Industrial Symbiosis Network.
For more detailed information on the requirements, please see the tender specifications.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 11 March 2019 at 16:00
Please note that we publish all our tendering documents through the Commission-wide eTendering platform.
If you are interested in this call, you can access the tender documents from the platform.
The documents will always be visible and downloadable, but if you register on eTendering, you will be able to ask questions and be informed automatically about changes to the call for tender (additional documents or answered questions).
TED Link