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Documents (1344)

Showing results 140 to 150
General publications31 January 2024
SDG - swagger files
General publications17 January 2024
Understanding EU-China exposure

This economic brief highlights different angles of EU-China exposure across trade, investment and technology.

General publications15 July 2024
SDG Single Market Barrier Tracker user guide for external organisations
General publications15 July 2024
SDG Single Market Barrier Tracker User Manual
General publications5 October 2020
SDG Guidelines on integration of SDG front office tools
General publications5 October 2020
SDG Guidelines on placing of Your Europe logo
General publications23 October 2023
SDG EU initiatives amending obligations under the Single Digital Gateway
Commission work programme2 February 2024
C(2024) 541 - Commission Notice: The 2024 annual Union work programme for European standardisation
General publications5 October 2020
SDG Guidance on Assistance Services - per service (Annex III)
General publications26 July 2023
SDG Guidance on procedures (Annex II)