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Documents (1344)

Showing results 240 to 250
Summary of impact assessment12 September 2023
SWD(2023) 313 - Executive summary of the impact assessment report accompanying the COM(2023)533 Proposal for a regulation
  • SWD(2023) 313 - Bericht über die Folgenabschätzung (Zusammenfassung) - Begleitunterlage zum COM(2023)533
    (136.83 KB - PDF)
  • SWD(2023) 313 - Résumé du rapport d'analyse d'impact accompagnant le document: COM(2023)533
    (176.58 KB - PDF)
Impact assessment12 September 2023
SWD(2023) 314 - Impact assessment report accompanying the COM(2023)533 Proposal for a regulation
Opinion10 May 2023
SEC(2023) 313 - Opinion of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board
Proposal for a regulation12 September 2023
COM(2023) 533 - Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating late payment in commercial transactions
  • COM(2023) 533 - Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Bekämpfung von Zahlungsverzug im Geschäftsverkehr
    (343.6 KB - PDF)
  • COM(2023) 533 - Proposition de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil concernant la lutte contre le retard de paiement dans les transactions commerciales
    (361.3 KB - PDF)
General publications7 September 2023
EPAA 3Rs Science Prize application case study - Amer Jamalpoor
Staff working document5 September 2023
Relevant taxation frameworks for Social Economy Entities
Staff working document5 September 2023
Non-discriminatory taxation of charitable organisations and their donors: principles drawn from EU case-law

Commission staff working document

Factsheet5 September 2023
Factsheet on facilitating cross-border activities of non-profit associations
General publications4 September 2023
FSR Privacy statement
General publications1 September 2023
EPPA Annual Conference 2023: Protection of people and our environment through NAMs

Draft EPAA 2023 conference programme