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Documents (1341)

Showing results 250 to 260
General publications7 August 2023
Executive summary_FR
General publications7 August 2023
Embroider Power factsheet
Call for expression of interest4 August 2023
Call for expression of interest CRO/IMA/23/2711/13161 selection of EU testing facilities for construction and eco-design and energy labelling
Declaration4 August 2023
Declaration on honour - call for expression of interest GRO/IMA/23/2711/13161
General publications2 August 2023
Reporting template
General publications2 August 2023
Reference list of chemicals
Report28 July 2023
COM(2023) 460 – Bericht der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament und den Rat über die Anwendung der Richtlinie 2014/23/EU über die Konzessionsvergabe und über die Auswirkungen der Ausschlüsse nach Artikel 12 auf den Binnenmarkt
Report28 July 2023
COM(2023) 460 – Rapport de la Commission au Parlement Européen et au Conseil sur le fonctionnement de la directive 2014/23/UE sur l’attribution de contrats de concession et sur l’incidence sur le marché intérieur des exclusions prévues à l’article 12
General publications28 July 2023
SWD(2023)270 - Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the COM(2023)462 Proposal for a Regulation
General publications28 July 2023
SWD(2023)269 - Impact assessment accompanying the COM(2023)462 Proposal for a Regulation