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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


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Documents (1344)

Showing results 260 to 270
Report28 July 2023
COM(2023) 460 – Rapport de la Commission au Parlement Européen et au Conseil sur le fonctionnement de la directive 2014/23/UE sur l’attribution de contrats de concession et sur l’incidence sur le marché intérieur des exclusions prévues à l’article 12
General publications28 July 2023
SWD(2023)270 - Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the COM(2023)462 Proposal for a Regulation
General publications28 July 2023
SWD(2023)269 - Impact assessment accompanying the COM(2023)462 Proposal for a Regulation
General publications28 July 2023
SWD(2023)268 - Subsidiarity grid accompanying the COM(2023)462 Proposal for a Regulation
General publications28 July 2023
SEC(2023)297 - Opinion of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board
General publications28 July 2023
COM(2023)462 ANNEX 1-8 - Annexes to the Proposal for a Regulation
General publications28 July 2023
COM(2023)462 - Proposal for a Regulation
Staff working document28 July 2023
SWD(2023) 267 - Staff Working Document accompanying the COM(2023) 460 report
Report28 July 2023
COM(2023) 460 - Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the functioning of Directive 2014/23/EU on the award of concession contracts and on the impact on the internal market of the exclusions set out in Article 12
Report26 July 2023
Overview of EU instruments contributing to the internationalisation of European businesses (2023)