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Documents (1346)

Showing results 750 to 760
Factsheet8 September 2020
Good Construction Initiative

The Good Construction Initiative (OGB) is an independent industry-led network initiative with more than 150 partners. It provides a range of practical tools and support to help construction companies improve the quality and value of construction processes, practices and projects.

Factsheet22 December 2020
Circular Construction Initiative (Kreislaufwirtschaft BAU)

Biennial monitoring report commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection (Bundes-ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit – BMU) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs (Bundes-ministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat – BMI). The...

Factsheet22 March 2016
Ready for apprenticeship (2016)

To enhance the readiness of unemployed youth by helping them improve professional and social competences needed in the regional construction sector.

Factsheet8 March 2016
Germany builds (2016)

A strategic network aimed at improving the attractiveness of the construction sector and counteract the shortage of skilled workforce on the German market.

Factsheet15 September 2020
Zero Accidents in the Construction Industry 2020

A strategy and action plan designed to encourage and help the 2,800 member companies of the CFCI and other construction sector companies to apply the ‘Zero Accident’ vision and approach in their organisations, and to work towards achieving zero accidents in the construction sector by 2020.

Factsheet13 February 2018
Carbon neutral municipalities (2018)

The Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Kohti hiilineutraalia kuntaa – HINKU) project brings municipalities, businesses, residents and experts together to devise and tailor new cost-effective solutions to reduce green-house gas emissions at municipal level.

Factsheet20 October 2020
Recognised Environmental Guarantor Label

Certification and labelling system (RGE) that certifies the quality of energy efficiency renovation work carried out by construction service providers.

Factsheet4 June 2019
BUILDEST I & II (2019)

Development of the Estonian Continuing Education and Training Roadmap and Action Plan for the construction sector to 2020. Development of training schemes and materials for non-qualified and qualified construction workers and trainers to enable them to deliver building retrofits to upgrade their...

Factsheet22 September 2020
Holistic Construction Site Inspection Scheme

The Holistic Construction Site Inspection Scheme applies a four-stage supervision method to identify and inspect OSH problems on construction sites and companies; to motivate and support OSH improvements; and to verify implementation and compliance.

Factsheet6 June 2017
We-qualify skills and accreditation programme (2017)

Pilot skills training and accreditation programme to upskill the Cypriot construction sector on key aspects of energy efficiency in buildings.