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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

'Low-value contracts' procedures

Ex-ante publicity of middle and low-value contracts

Simplified rules apply to calls for tenders valued between €15,000 and €140,000. In such cases, the European Commission can invite a restricted number of candidates to tender.

To make this process more transparent, the Commission must publish its plans for future middle and low-value contracts. On this page, you will find information on the envisaged negotiated procedures for middle and low-value contracts from the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG).

This schedule is indicative only.

Indicative list for negotiated procedures for middle and low-value contracts that may be/have already been launched

Expected resultSelection criteriaIndi­cative launch dateContactStatus
Technical assistance for the development of the Commission roadmap towards phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessmentsThe Commission committed with Communication C(2023) 5041, published on 25 July 2023 in response to a European citizens’ initiative (ECI), to develop a roadmap towards phasing out animal testing for chemical safety assessment. The roadmap will cover all relevant pieces of chemical legislations and industry sectors, including e.g. manufacturers of chemicals, biocides, pharmaceuticals or detergents. This tender procedure is seeking for technical assistance for the development of this roadmap. This includes 1.) supporting the Commission when carrying out public consultations (with a specific focus on SMEs) and summarising the feedback received; 2.) organising targeted stakeholder consultations, interviewing stakeholders and summarising the responses; 3.) carrying out analyses that support the development of the roadmap, in particular on the need and feasibility of an advisory scientific committee on non-animal methods and possibilities to facilitate the access to information on non-animal methods. 11/06/2024 - 20/06/2024

Express interest

Deadline for submitting your interest is 10/06/2024 12:00


Personal data

Any personal data collected will be made available to the relevant services within the DG. It will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on data protection.

You will have the right to access and update any personal data you provide.

If you have any questions concerning the processing of your personal data, send them to GROW-FINANCIAL-UNIT-PROCUREMENT-GRANT-MANAGEMENTatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-FINANCIAL-UNIT-PROCUREMENT-GRANT-MANAGEMENT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

If you believe your personal data was processed against the rules, you can appeal to the European Data Protection Supervisor.

Ex-post publicity of middle and low-value contracts

Contracts between €15,000 and €135,000 awarded in one financial year are published via the Financial Transparency System before 30 June of the following year.