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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Press release16 July 2021Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs1 min read

New Industrial Forum collaborative wiki platform

The Industrial Forum, launched as part of the Industrial Strategy, consists of a wide array of stakeholders, including industrial representations, EU countries’ authorities, NGOs, research institutions and social partners representing different industrial ecosystems. The Forum aims to deliver on transition pathways in different ecosystems and deepen the systematic analyses of industrial ecosystems presented in the updated Industrial Strategy. It also intends to identify cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities, improve understanding of the EU economy’s strategic dependencies and vulnerabilities, as well as tap into the expertise of all its members.

The Industrial Forum will now start its work to deliver on the objectives of the Industrial Strategy.
For this purpose, the Forum has been organised into 5 task forces.

  1. Task Force 1 performs economic analysis of the ecosystems
  2. Task Force 2 supports the development of transition pathways
  3. Task Force 3 supports the analysis of strategic dependencies
  4. Task Force 4 identifies cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities
  5. Task Force 5 supports the uptake of advanced manufacturing processes by EU industry

We’ve set up the Industrial Forum’s collaborative wiki platform to allow all stakeholders to follow up on and support the work of these task forces and the Forum as a whole. We invite stakeholders to contribute to the different workstreams and share inputs through this wiki platform. You can also share relevant news items, reports, or events happening at EU, national or regional level.

See the Industrial Forum wiki platform. To access it, log in with your EULogin account or create a new account.