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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • News article
  • 22 July 2020
  • Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • 1 min read

Non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) emissions - impact of the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing major disruption of the supply chain which has had an impact on non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) manufacturers’ ability to meet some of the deadlines imposed by Regulation (EU) 2016/1628.

The Regulation sets out new emissions limits, referred to as ‘Stage V’, which are designed to reduce the current emissions of air pollutants from engines for non-road mobile machinery.

According to the transition periods provided in Article 58(5) and the dates laid down in Annex III, manufacturers had until 30 June 2020 to produce NRMM fitted with transition engines of the following categories:

  • NRE in the power range <56kW and =130kW
  • NRG, NRSh, NRS, IWP and IWA in the power range 19 = P < 300
  • SMB
  • ATS

They then have until 31 December 2020 to place these machines on the Union market.

However, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused complete interruptions in the supply of parts and components, leaving manufacturers with stocks of engines and unfinished products. The consequence of this disruption is that many engines and machinery manufacturers will not be able to meet the deadlines set out above without sustaining serious economic damage.

In the light of this disruption that could not have been foreseen, the dates for producing and placing of the market of NRMM and tractors fitted with transition engines is postponed by twelve months. This postponement does not apply to transition engines covered by the dates specified in the second, third and fourth subparagraphs of Article 58(5).

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