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The list below displays all documents related to the European construction sector observatory. Use filters on the left to find relevant documents.

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ECSO documents (242)

Showing results 130 to 140
Factsheet9 January 2018
Energy renovation programme for commercial non-residential buildings (2018)

All the building and use permits for construction are issued electronically, strengthening transparency and efficiency and reducing the number of days required for obtaining the permits.

Factsheet16 January 2018
E-permit (2018)

All the building and use permits for construction are issued electronically, strengthening transparency and efficiency and reducing the number of days required for obtaining the permits.

Factsheet13 February 2018
Energy renovation programme 2020 (2018)

A support programme providing a package of measures to ensure all Flemish homes (houses and apartments) are energy efficient by 2020. Primary measures support the installation of energy efficient roof insulation, double glazing and central heating systems in existing housing.

Factsheet9 January 2018
Thermal renovation vouchers (2018)

An application-based programme – processed by building societies (“Bausparkassen”) - aiming at incentivising private individuals, tenants, commercial building owners to carry out eco-friendly modernisation works.

Factsheet7 February 2017
Craftsmen bonus programme (2017)

An application-based programme, processed by building societies (“Bausparkassen”), to incentivise private individuals to carry out modernisation and maintenance works by authorised construction companies or workers, thereby avoiding that works are done informally.

Factsheet10 November 2015
Joint investment: construction skills and employment (2015)

Employer-led programme targeting business growth for construction SMEs, reskilling of unemployed construction workers, and greater uptake of the National Skills Academy for Construction’s client-based approach.

Factsheet19 January 2021
Build 4.0 (Bygg 4.0)

Build 4.0 aimed to design a completely digital construction process for residential buildings. The focus was on the reducing costs and environmental impact, and increasing building quality.

Factsheet9 September 2020
Vision Zero

Programme of activities and services designed to help the construction sector to improve health and safety and achieve zero fatal accidents.

Factsheet8 March 2016
Energy builder (SWEDUILD) (2016)

To provide construction workers & trades people with energy-efficient building techniques, knowledge and skills and an understanding of why energy-efficiency is needed.

Factsheet24 September 2020
Bonus Campaign

An incentive system that reduces a company’s social security contributions for professional contingencies if they can demonstrate a significant reduction in their accident rate.