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The list below displays all documents related to the European construction sector observatory. Use filters on the left to find relevant documents.

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ECSO documents (242)

Showing results 150 to 160
Factsheet9 September 2020 for Construction is an online tool that helps business owners and managers to prepare risk assessments and a safety statement for their workplace.

Factsheet18 June 2019
Traditional Building Skills Training Scheme (2019)

Government grant funding scheme to support specific training in traditional building skills in order to sustain the repair and maintenance sector of the construction industry, and built heritage in particular. The scheme was implemented in three local authorities – Fingal, Galway and Kilkenny – to...

Factsheet11 January 2018
Build up skills Hungary (BUSH) (2018)

A strategic measure that aims to boost sustainable construction in Hungary by upgrading training schemes for building workers and building up demand for skilled workers.

Factsheet7 March 2017
UPSWING training and certification scheme (2017)

UPSWING is part of the EU strategic initiative ‘BuildUp Skills’. It is developing and delivering three new integrated training and certification schemes on energy efficiency in buildings, and includes the development of training materials. The project adheres to and is in full accordance with the...

Factsheet5 January 2021
BIM in Infrastructure Construction (BIM4INFRA2020)

BIM Roadmap implementation initiative to establish digital planning and construction as standard practice in all federal infrastructure construction projects from 2020.

Factsheet8 September 2020
Good Construction Initiative

The Good Construction Initiative (OGB) is an independent industry-led network initiative with more than 150 partners. It provides a range of practical tools and support to help construction companies improve the quality and value of construction processes, practices and projects.

Factsheet22 December 2020
Circular Construction Initiative (Kreislaufwirtschaft BAU)

Biennial monitoring report commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection (Bundes-ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit – BMU) and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs (Bundes-ministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat – BMI). The...

Factsheet22 March 2016
Ready for apprenticeship (2016)

To enhance the readiness of unemployed youth by helping them improve professional and social competences needed in the regional construction sector.

Factsheet8 March 2016
Germany builds (2016)

A strategic network aimed at improving the attractiveness of the construction sector and counteract the shortage of skilled workforce on the German market.

Factsheet15 September 2020
Zero Accidents in the Construction Industry 2020

A strategy and action plan designed to encourage and help the 2,800 member companies of the CFCI and other construction sector companies to apply the ‘Zero Accident’ vision and approach in their organisations, and to work towards achieving zero accidents in the construction sector by 2020.