- Main developments in the postal sector (2017-2021) Volume 1: Main report
- Main developments in the postal sector (2017-2021) Volume 2: Country Fiches
- Study to assess and analyse the impact of e-commerce driven transport and parcel delivery on air pollution and CO2 emissions: final report
- Study to assess and analyse the impact of e-commerce driven transport and parcel delivery on air pollution and CO2 emissions: executive summary
- Impact Study Ecommerce – Résumé
- Study: Development of cross-border e-commerce through parcel delivery (WIK-Consult, April 2019)
- Appendix A: Development of cross-border e-commerce through parcel delivery country fact sheets (WIK-Consult, April 2019)
- Appendix B: Development of cross-border e-commerce through parcel delivery WIK consumer survey (WIK-Consult, April 2019)
- Study: Main developments in the postal sector, 2013-2016 (Copenhagen Economics, July 2018)
- Country files: Main developments in the postal sector, 2013-2016 (Copenhagen Economics, July 2018)
- Final Report: Econometric study on parcel list prices (Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, November 2015)
- Final Report: Cross-border parcel delivery operations and its cost drivers (University of Antwerp, October 2015)
Design and development of initiatives to support the growth of e-commerce via better functioning parcel delivery systems in Europe (WIK Consult, August 2014)
- Final report (3 MB)
- Executive summary (405 KB)
Main developments in the postal sector, 2010–2013 (WIK Consult/Jim Campbell, August 2013)
- Final report (Doc 1)
- Country reports (Doc 2)
E-commerce and delivery - Study on the state of play of EU parcel markets with particular emphasis on e-commerce (Copenhagen Economics, July 2013)
- Final report (including appendices)
Study on the pricing behavior of postal operators and its effect on postal markets (Copenhagen Economics – December 2012)
Study on the principles used to calculate the net costs of the postal USO (Frontier Economics – December 2012)
Study on intra-community cross-border parcel delivery (FTI Consulting, December 2011)
Study on appropriate methodologies to better measure consumer preferences for postal services (Rand EUROPE, 2011)
Main developments in the postal sector (2008–2010) (Copenhagen Economics, November 2010)
Study on the external dimension of the EU postal acquis (WIK-Consult/Jim Campbell)
The role of regulators in a more competitive postal market (WIK-Consult, September 2009)
The evolution of the European postal market since 1997 (ITA Consulting and WIK-Consult, August 2009)
Main developments in the postal sector, 2006-2008 (Ecorys, September 2008)
The impact on universal service of the full market accomplishment of the postal internal market in 2009 (PricewaterhouseCoopers, May 2006)
Main developments in the postal sector, 2004–2006 (WIK Consult, May 2006)
Study on the evolution of the regulatory model for European postal services (WIK Consult, July 2005)
Study on the development of competition in the European postal sector (Ecorys, July 2005)
Study on main developments in the European postal sector (WIK Consult, July 2004)
Study about the economics of postal services (NERA, July 2004)
Study of the relationship between the constitution, rules and practice of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), in particular the GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services), and European Community (EC) law (TMC Asser Institute, July 2004)
Quality of service objectives, performance and measurement in relation to community universal postal service (August 2003)
Survey on some main aspects of postal networks in EU adhesion candidate countries (August 2003)
Study on employment trends in the European postal sector (PLS Rambøll, October 2002)
Study on the cost accounting systems of providers of the universal postal service (CTcon, July 2001)
Study on the conditions governing access to universal postal services and networks (CTcon, July 2001)
Study on the impact of certain aspects of the application of Directive 97/67 EC on the postal sector (Omega Partners, August 2001)
- Modelling and quantifying scenarios for liberalisation (MMD, Feb 1999)
- Study on the impact of liberalisation of community cross-border mail (PriceWaterhouseCoopers, December 1998)
- Study on the impact of liberalisation of direct mail (Arthur Andersen, November 1998)
- Study on the impact of weight and price limits of the reserved area in the postal sector (CTcon, November 1998)
- Costing & financing of universal services in the postal sector in the European Union (N/e/r/a, October 1998)
- Liberalisation of clearance, sorting and transport (CTcon, August 1998)
- Employment trends