The light industries innovation and technology project (ELIIT project) seeks to support textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) SMEs in enhancing their competitiveness while helping them integrate new technologies in innovative or high added-value products, processes or services.
Since the launch of ELIIT project in November 2019, we have selected 25 partnerships between SMEs and providers or owners of novel technologies that will aid the transfer of innovation and technology, as well as the market uptake of innovative solutions. We will support these partnerships with €70.000, a coaching programme and networking activities to improve productivity, value chain integration and resource efficiency.
Guidebook on technology transfer in the TCLF industries
In the framework of the ELIIT programme, a guidebook on the technology transfer process in TCLF industries has been prepared with
- the identified main steps for a successful technology transfer process in these industries, in a roadmap format
- a description of successful examples of cooperation between technology providers and SMEs
- the best-suited policy actions to foster the market uptake of innovative technology-based solutions by TCLF companies
An executive summary of the guidebook, which includes the roadmap and successful examples of cooperation, can be downloaded below in English or French.

Ten selected partnerships received an outstanding evaluation from among the 96 partnership proposals submitted in the call, which closed on 14 April 2021.
The second call for proposals for the European light industries innovation and technology project (ELIIT project) ended on April 14. In total, 395 textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) SMEs and 328 technology owners/providers registered on the ELIIT EMS platform.
The ELIIT Project announces its first selected partnerships between textile, clothing, leather and footwear sectors (TLCF) and technology owners/providers.
The ELIIT project (European light industries innovation and technology) was launched on 15 November 2019
What ELIIT does
The light industries innovation and technology project (ELIIT project) supports textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) SMEs in enhancing their competitiveness while helping them integrate new technologies in innovative or high added-value products, processes or services.
The projects selected will benefit from
- €70,000 in financial support to develop products or prototypes with high added-value and profitability
- tailor-made coaching and advice to improve project relevancy and increase capabilities
- networking activities and participation in workshops/conferences and exhibitions to aid market-positioning as well as build business relationships
- intellectual property rights organisation and guidance
Read more about the ELIIT project
How to join the ELIIT networking tool
Are you an SME in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear sectors, or the owner/ provider of innovative technology solutions for these sectors? Then you can register on the ELIIT project’s electronic monitoring system (EMS platform) to benefit from the ELIIT network.
The ELIIT platform offers the unique opportunity to find TCLF SMEs and technology owners/providers willing to collaborate and innovate.
Register on the ELIIT platform
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