The rules on European standardisation allow the European Commission to identify information and communication technology (ICT) technical specifications - that are not national, European or international standards - to be eligible for referencing in public procurement. This allows public authorities to make use of the full range of specifications when buying IT hardware, software and services, allowing for more competition in the field and reducing the risk of lock-in to proprietary systems.
The Commission can identify ICT technical specifications for referencing in public procurement under Article 13 of Regulation 1025/2012 on European Standardisation.
Decision |
Title of ICT technical specification |
Commission Decision 2017/8268 | ‘SPF-Sender Policy Framework for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email’ (‘SPF’), ‘STARTTLS-SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security’ (‘STARTTLS-SMTP’) and ‘DANE-SMTP Security via Opportunistic DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities Transport Layer Security’ (‘DANE-SMTP’) developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); ‘Structured Threat Information Expression’ (‘STIX 1.2’) and ‘Trusted Automated Exchange of Indicator Information’ (‘TAXII 1.1’) developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (‘OASIS’) |
'Simple Knowledge Organisation System' (hereinafter referred as 'SKOS'), and 'Resource Description Framework' 1.0 and 1.1 (hereinafter referred as 'RDF 1.0 & 1.1') developed by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C); 'Service Metadata Publisher 1.0' (hereinafter referred as 'SMP 1.0') developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS); 'MIME-Based Secure Peer-to-Peer Business Data Interchange Using HTTP, Applicability Statement 2', RFC 4130 (hereinafter referred as 'AS2') and 'the Internationalized Resource Identifiers' RFC 3987 (hereinafter referred as 'IRIs') developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); 'Data Foundation & Terminology Model', 'PID Information Types API', 'Data Type Registries Model' and 'Practical Policies Recommendations' technical specifications, all developed by Research Data Alliance (RDA) Foundation. | |
Package of 28 'Internet Engineering Task Force' (IETF) technical specifications as eligible for referencing in public procurement in accordance with the procedure set up in Article 13 and 14 of Regulation 1025/2012 on European Standardisation of the European Parliament and Council. | |
Commission Decision 2016/1765 |
By OASIS ('World Customs Organization Data Model version 3.5' (hereinafter referred as 'WCO Data Model v 3.5') and of 'Content Management Interoperability Services version 1.0 & version 1.1' (hereinafter referred as CMIS v1.0 & v1.1), 'Electronic business XML Messaging Services Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features' and 'Application Statement 4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0' (hereinafter referred as 'ebMS3.0-AS4'), Business Document Metadata Service Location Version 1.0 (hereinafter referred as 'BDX location') and 'Electronic business Core Party Identification Type Technical Specification Version 1.0' (hereinafter referred as 'ebCorePartyIdType'), and by WCO ('WCO Data Model version 3.5') |
Commission Decision 2016/120 |
eXtensible Business Reporting language XBRL VERSION 2.1 |
Commission Decision 2015/1302 |
27 IHE use profiles: 1.IHE XCPD: Cross Community Patient Discovery, 2.IHE XCA: Cross Community Access, 3.IHE XCF: Cross Community Fetch, 4.IHE XDR: Cross enterprise Reliable Interchange, 5.IHE CT: Consistent Time, 6.IHE ATNA: Audit Trail and Node Authentication, 7.IHE BPPC: Basic Patient Privacy Consents, 8.IHE XUA: Cross enterprise User Assertion, 9.IHE PRE: Prescription, 10.IHE DIS: Dispensation, 11.IIHE XPHR: Exchange of Personal Health Record Content, 12.IHE XD-MS: Cross Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries Integration profile, 13.IHE XD-SD: Cross Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Document, 14.IHE PIX: Patient Identification Cross referencing , 15.IHE PDQ: Patient Demographic Query, 16.IHE XDS.b:Cross Enterprise Document Sharing, 17.IHE XDS-I.b: Cross Enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging, 18.IHE XD-LAB: Laboratory Report, 19.IHE XDM: Cross Enterprise Document Media Interchange, 20.IHE SVS: Sharing Value Sets , 21.IHE SWF: Radiology Scheduled Workflow, 22.IHESWF.b: Radiology Scheduled Workflow, 23.IHE PIR: Patient Information Reconciliation, 24.IHE PAM: Administration Management, 25.IHE LTW: Laboratory Testing Workflow, 26.IHE LCSD: Laboratory Code Set Distribution, 27.IHE LWA: Laboratory Analytical Workflow. |
Commission Decision 2014/771 |
Universal Business language version 2.1 UBL 2.1 |
Commission Decision 2014/188 |
1. Internet Protocol version 6 (‘IPv6’) |
2. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (‘LDAPv3’) |
3. Domain Name System Security Extensions (‘DNSSEC’) |
4. Domain Keys Identified Mail Signatures (‘DKIM’) |
5. ECMAScript-402 Internationalisation Specification (‘ECMA-402’) |
6. Extensible Markup Language version 1.0 (‘W3C XML’) |