Enforcement of single market for goods rules - infringement procedure - European Commission Skip to main content
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Enforcement of single market for goods rules - infringement procedure

The Commission monitors whether EU countries comply with EU law and whether their national rules hamper the free movement of goods. If EU countries fail to comply with EU law, the Commission may initiate infringement proceedings. The procedure ensures that internal market rules are respected and applied correctly.

In the harmonised sector, infringement proceedings relate to the failure of

  • EU countries to communicate to the Commission the national execution measures (NEM) through which they implement EU directives into national law (non-communication)
  • NEMs to implement directives properly (incorrect implementation)
  • national administrations to correctly apply NEMs that properly implement directives (incorrect application)

In the non-harmonised sector, infringement proceedings relate to

  • breaches of articles 34 or 35 TFEU (obstacles to imports and exports) that cannot be justified.

More information on the infringement procedure.