Call for applications open: selection of members of the expert group on public procurement - European Commission Skip to main content
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Call for applications open: selection of members of the expert group on public procurement

In 2011, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) set up a stakeholder expert group on public procurement.

The group's task is to provide the Commission with high-quality legal, economic, technical, and practical insights and expertise with a view to assisting it in shaping the public procurement policy of the Union.

The group's tasks may involve

  • providing legal and economic analysis and comments on important developments or structural trends of public procurement, and their implications for the Union policy framework
  • providing feedback to the Commission services on the challenges and developments in specific sectors which may require public procurement response and to propose adequate solutions
  • providing input aimed at improving the effectiveness of the Union's public procurement policy
  • providing input in the framework of preparatory legislative work of the Commission in the field of public procurement
  • assisting the Commission services in analysing the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

The Commission is calling for applications to renew membership (with members type A,B,C) of this group. 

This call will be open for five weeks. As foreseen in the call, after the selection procedure, the new members will be appointed by DG GROW's Director General and published in the register.
Deadline: Applicants must send duly signed applications by 25 September 2024.

More information

Call for applications - Register of Commission expert groups and other similar entities