Passed deadline 2022/10/07 (extended) - Conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Single Market 7 December 2022, Prague: Call for papers - European Commission Skip to main content
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Deadline 2022/10/07 (extended) - Conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Single Market 7 December 2022, Prague: Call for papers

The Czech Presidency of the EU and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs will organise a Conference on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Single Market.

The conference will be held in person in Prague, Czech Republic, and virtually in a hybrid format. It will bring together top researchers from academia and policy makers from EU and national institutions to present research findings and policy insights related to the Single Market.

Topics of interest for the contributing papers include

  1. Integration in the single market
    • Long-term trends in integration, along the four dimensions of goods, services, labour, capital; with a focus on major milestones and future outlook.
    • Opportunities and challenges to further integration, including forward looking topics (potential of further integration in services; impact of removing specific restrictions; impact of digitalisation.
    • New, enlarged concept of enforcement: beyond remedial (infringement proceedings), also preventive (notifications) and collaborative (Single Market Enforcement Taskforce – SMET)/package meetings, instruments.
    • Productivity, market size and product differentiation.
    • Distributional and labour market effects of integration (income and purchasing power; wages and mobility).
  2. The external dimension of the single market
    • International value chains and open strategic autonomy: what role for the single market?
    • Assessing the changing weight of the single market in the global economy: attractiveness, competitiveness, model and standard-setter for the world.
    • Crisis management through single market and resilience to external shocks.

Application process

Authors interested in presenting their research should submit their papers to The deadline for submissions has been extended to Friday, October 7, 2022. Authors of accepted papers will be notified of acceptance by Friday, October 28, 2022. Presenters should plan to present in person. All papers presented at the conference will be posted on the websites of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs.

More information

Further information: should you have any questions, please contact In-person attendees will need to follow any relevant COVID-19 protocols for entry in place at the time of the conference.