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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Consultation
  • Closed

Consultation on a possible restriction of hazardous substances (CMR 1A and 1B) in textile articles and clothing for consumer use


Opening date
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Target audience

All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation.

In particular, contributions are sought from companies and organisations potentially concerned with the proposed restriction.

Why we are consulting

Article 68(2) of REACH provides a simplified procedure, which the Commission may use to restrict  substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction (CMR), categories 1A and 1B on their own, in mixtures or in articles that could be used by consumers. The procedure differs from the standard restriction procedure of Articles 69 to 73. Article 68(2) does not foresee the following:

  • the preparation of an Annex XV Dossier to initiate the restriction process
  • public consultation on it
  • opinions by RAC and SEAC
  • the consultation of the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement.

The Commission intends to use Art. 68(2) to target specific categories of consumer articles, aiming to restrict CMR substances (categories 1A and 1B) in them. Textile articles and clothing were selected as a first test-case because of the high likelihood of a prolonged – or multiple short-term – exposure of consumers to CMR substances being potentially present in those articles. The list of CMR substances (individual substances or groups) covered by this possible restriction would be added as a specific appendix to Annex XVII to REACH and could be regularly updated, as appropriate. The Commission, in collaboration with ECHA and Member States Competent Authorities, has identified a preliminary list of CMR substances Cat. 1A and 1B potentially present in textile articles and clothing.

The Commission believes the present public consultation is needed to target relevant chemicals and articles and to consider the proportionality and enforceability of a possible restriction in this area. The main objectives of the public consultation are to collect information on

  • the presence or likelihood of presence of the identified CMR substances in relevant consumer articles and in so far as is possible also gather information on their concentration, function and on the availability of alternatives
  • the potential socio-economic impacts and the enforceability of the possible restriction.

Respond to the consultation

You are invited to fill in the online questionnaire available below.

Please submit your response to this public consultation at the latest on 22 March 2016.

All queries on the process should be addressed to the email address listed below.

In the interest of transparency, organisations (including, for example, NGOs, trade associations and commercial enterprises) are invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the Transparency Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct.

Registration is closed

• Responses from organisations not registered will be published separately.

Additional information

View the questionnaire

Access to the online form (closed)

Access to a pdf-version of the online form

Reference documents

REACH Restrictions web page

Criteria and procedure for the implementation of Article 68(2) of REACH: restriction of CMRs 1A and 1B in consumer articles

List of CMR substances - Background

List of CMR substances - Classified dyes and carcinogenic amines

List of CMR substances - Petroleum and coal stream substances

List of CMR substances - Other substances

Contact details

Responsible services:

DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Unit D.1 – REACH

DG Environment, Unit A.3 - Chemicals


GROW-ENV-REACH-RESTRatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-ENV-REACH-RESTR[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Postal address:  

DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Unit D.1 – REACH, Avenue d’Auderghem, 45, B-1049 Brussels