The Strategic Policy Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship was set up by the European Commission in 2014 as a powerful think tank composed of business leaders, academia, international organisations and policymakers. During its 2-year mandate, its objective was to shape a vision for the digital transformation of European industry.
The Strategic Policy Forum reflected on the short and long-term strategy for digital transformation in Europe, advised the Commission on policy issues and actions to encourage digital transformation, and promoted the development of policy by EU countries at national and regional level.
By the end of its mandate, in July 2016, the Strategic Policy Forum delivered the following policy recommendations and reports:
Final Policy Recommendations of the Strategic Policy Forum
In March 2016, the Forum delivered its final policy recommendations, urging action on what it considers the most critical needs of European businesses. This includes the need for cyber-security, high-performing infrastructures, a Single Market for European data, actions to reskill our workforce, and building up innovative ecosystems to take advantage of the digital revolution. The recommendations facilitated the finalisation of a new European initiative to help Europe's businesses seize digital opportunities. |
Big data and B2B digital platforms: The next frontier for Europe's industry and enterprises
Released at the Hannover Messe, the leading trade fair for industrial technology, in April 2016, this report highlights the opportunities stemming from B2B digital platforms and data-driven business models in Europe and promotes these as the engine of Europe’s growth, industrial transformation, and job creation. The report assesses key success factors and provides recommendations on how to overcome remaining obstacles on big data ownership, access, and liability aspects, and pleads for ambitious pan-European mega-investment projects to unleash the data economy in Europe. Big data and B2B digital platforms: The next frontier for Europe's industry and enterprises |
Blueprint for cities and regions as launch pads for digital transformation
Released at the Open Innovation 2.0 conference in May 2016, this report and the accompanying online application, highlight the strategic role of cities and regions in leading their modern, smart transformation. It argues for a holistic, bottom-up approach to grasp the opportunities offered by the modernisation of the economy, while contributing to more and better jobs and growth. Blueprint for cities and regions as launch pads for digital transformation |
Upskilling European industry: New operational tools wanted
The upskilling report, released at the informal Competitiveness Council under the Slovak EU Presidency in Bratislava in July 2016, illustrates the benefits, opportunities and challenges of the technological revolution for the workforce. Specific recommendations are outlined to adapt existing skillsets and build up new job profiles. |
A digital compass for decision makers: toolkit on disruptive technologies, impact and areas for action
This original report/'toolkit', and the accompanying video, released at the informal Competitiveness Council organised by the Slovak EU Presidency in Bratislava in July 2016, supports policy makers to navigate the social and economic implications of advanced technologies. It sheds light on their possible applications, the existing challenges and the right policy mix needed to take full advantage of the new opportunities. |
During its first year of operation, the Strategic Policy Forum explored the biggest opportunities and the major challenges holding back European industry from its full digital transformation potential. It delivered the following report:
First report of the Strategic Policy Forum: Digital Transformation of European industry and enterprises (2015)
In March 2015, the Forum delivered its first recommendations for political and business leaders to help deal with the need for jobs and growth. The report identifies the key challenges for Europe and it provides evidence of the new business opportunities offered by unprecedented business models that are empowered by advanced digital technologies. |
The work and recommendations of the Strategic Policy Forum had a great impact and helped shape a number of EU policy initiatives and follow-up actions. A summary overview of the impact of the Forum is available.
The following organisations are represented in the Strategic Forum on Digital Entrepreneurship:
- business leaders, including representatives from industry, digital entrepreneurs, pioneers in the digital transformation of their business, small enterprises and large corporations
- technology and digital transformation providers and related associations
- academia and research organisations supporting and monitoring digital entrepreneurship
- decision makers, policy analysts and think-tanks
Member organisations and their representatives