The Industrial Forum supports the Commission in its analysis of industrial ecosystems and in assessing the different risks and needs of industry as it embarks on the twin digital and green transitions. Read about the forum and previous dialogues.
Industrial Forum
The new industrial strategy for Europe adopted in March 2020 announced the creation of an Industrial Forum as a new, inclusive and open mechanism for co-designing solutions with stakeholders. The forum’s key tasks are to assist the Commission in tracking the implementation of the March 2020 industrial strategy and the May 2021 industrial strategy update. It also and contributes to the Commission’s work on industrial ecosystems in the context of the recovery and their green and digital transformation, with a focus on cross-border and cross-ecosystem collaboration.
Following an invitation to EU countries, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to nominate their representatives, and an open call for experts in December 2020, the forum was established in January 2021. It kicked off with its first meeting in February 2021.
The forum’s key tasks are
- assisting the Commission in tracking the implementation of the March 2020 industrial strategy and providing input to the foreseen update of the strategy
- contributing to the Commission’s work on industrial ecosystems in the context of the recovery, and their green and digital transformation, with a focus on cross-border and cross-ecosystem collaboration
Task forces
5 task forces have been set up and started to work on the following work streams.
Task Force 1 - Single Market, KPIs and industrial ecosystems
This task force will focus on economic intelligence on industrial ecosystems: it will provide input for the economic assessment of the impact of the crisis and recovery - including horizontal single market information and expertise, as well as industrial ecosystem-relevant information - and for the assessment of opportunities/challenges related to the twin transitions.
It will provide input to the Commission’s assessment of the implementation of the industrial strategy (i.e., assessment of the implementation of the different elements of the March 2020 new Industrial strategy package as well as of its May 2021 update). The input will thus cover the analysis of Single Market barriers, the implementation of the new industrial strategy and its update, the single market enforcement action plan, and the SME strategy, as well as the update of the ecosystem fiches.
Thirdly, the task force will focus on KPIs to monitor the implementation of the industrial strategy: it will identify the relevant key areas for the implementation and monitoring of the EU industrial strategy and the benchmarking of the EU’s competitiveness internationally. This can involve discussing the economic principles and the data sources for the definition of performance indicators. The KPI framework presented in the 2021 single market report will serve as guidance for the discussion.
Task Force 2 - Support the development of transition pathways
This task force will
- provide feedback on and complement the initial draft recommendations for the twin transitions in selected ecosystems
- provide input on horizontal aspects that impact several ecosystems
- facilitate dialogue with a wider range of stakeholders on the transition pathways, including promoting best practices and solutions across ecosystems throughout the process, by acting as 'ambassadors' in various events and by encouraging external stakeholder input
Task Force 3 - Support the analysis of strategic dependencies
This task force will
- discuss the methodology and results as published within the update of the industrial strategy
- reflect on possible gaps in the approach and in the main tools considered to address dependencies
- on this basis, feed into the work of the Commission on the second stage in-depth review of strategic dependencies
Task Force 4 - Identify and advise on cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities
This task force will identify areas with a potential for cross-border and cross-ecosystem collaboration, especially concerning aligning regional, national and European mission-oriented policy goals, with a view to facilitating coordination among public and private stakeholders. It will also facilitate coordination among key stakeholders towards potential coordinated action(s), where needed. It will support the organisation of matchmaking events to bring together interested parties to discuss the possible follow-up around common challenges.
Task Force 5 - Support the uptake of advanced manufacturing processes by EU industry
This task force will develop recommendations for speeding up the uptake of advanced manufacturing technologies and processes by EU industry; increasing its competitiveness; and for embracing Industry 4.0 where information technology and operational technology converge.
It will work together with external stakeholders and other task forces, with a view to speeding up the twin transition of industrial ecosystems using advanced manufacturing technologies and new business models relying on digital manufacturing.
Reports and other deliverables
D1.3 KPIs Framework – the interim report provides recommendations to extend the KPI framework developed by the Commission to analyse economic developments in the EU and monitor the progress achieved.
D2.1 Blueprint for the development of transition pathways – the blueprint can be used as a template to draft transition pathways for industrial ecosystems. It consists of several building blocks covering the main elements that need addressing to achieve a successful green and digital transition and ensure the resilience of the ecosystem. The blueprint will function as a step-by-step guide for the ecosystems to build a business case for the transition pathways and consequently for the stakeholders that are to implement them. Its purpose is furthermore to ensure coherence across the different ecosystems and increase user-friendliness.
D2.2 Addendum to the Blueprint for the development of transition pathways – the addendum complements D2.1 with additional guidance on how transition pathways should address the preparation for current or future crises. The final objective is to increase the resilience of industrial ecosystems.
D3.1 Interim paper on Strategic dependencies – a stock-taking interim report summarising the work done so far by the Industrial Forum on Strategic Dependencies.
D3.2 Final paper on strategic dependencies – a summary of the results achieved during the six workshops conducted in 2022. It discusses various aspects of strategic dependencies, such as energy, raw materials and chemicals, as well as horizontal themes on the general understanding of strategic dependencies, skills and the circular economy.
D4.1 Final report on cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities – the report proposes relevant stakeholders initiate actions to boost and increase cross-border and cross-ecosystem investments. It concentrates on the three areas of
- the transition to the production and use of clean and renewable energies
- environmentally friendly, circular goods and data-based services
- microelectronics, focusing on virtual design platforms and pilot lines for designing and testing chips at a mature enough technology readiness levels for future applications in fields like edge AI, automotive and manufacturing
D5.1 Advanced Manufacturing at the heart of a resilient, sustainable and competitive Europe – with this policy recommendations report, TF5 members are aiming to define the scope of advanced manufacturing, identify the transformative potential of advanced manufacturing with practical use cases and identify key opportunities and obstacles in Europe’s manufacturing transition.
Related links
Industrial Forum in the Commission’s expert group register
Industrial Forum’s collaborative website (freely accessible, but EU Login account required)
Industry 2030 High Level Industrial Roundtable
The European Commission established the Industry 2030 High Level Industrial Roundtable in December 2017 to provide independent advice on future EU industrial policy action. It consisted of 20 experts representing small and big businesses, traditional and disruptive industries, trade unions, the innovation and research community, as well as finance and academia. In June 2019, after one and a half years of work, the group published its report with recommendations on future EU industrial policy strategy towards 2030.
The report (see below) sets out a vision of European industry in 2030 as a global leader, responsibly delivering value for society, the environment and the economy. Europe will build its competitive advantage on cutting-edge and breakthrough technologies, respect for our environment and biodiversity, investment in our people, and smart European and global alliances. Based on collaboration and our common European values, this new industrial model will help make Europe a role model for the rest of the world.
Turning the Industry 2030 vision into reality requires action and the collaboration of policy makers at all levels, industry stakeholders and broader civil society in Europe. The report identifies specific recommendations and game-changing actions that will help Europe better manage this fast and inclusive transformation, champion global competitiveness, and address social inclusiveness and values.
Members appointed in a personal capacity

Bianca Dragomir
CEO of AVAESEN Valencian Region Renewable Energy Cluster

Sami Haddadin
Professor, Director of TUM Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, and Chair of Robotics and System Intelligence

Jerzy Hausner
Full Professor of Economic Sciences, Cracow University of Economics

Claudia Olsson
Founder Stellar Capacity AB, CEO Exponential AB

Cristina Oyón
Head of Strategic Initiatives at SPRI, Basque Business Development Agency

Märtha Rehnberg
Co-Founder and Partner of DareDisrupt

Antti Vasara
President and CEO of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Adiari Vázquez
PhD, Venture Capital Investor
Members appointed to represent the interests of industrial enterprises or employees

Dochul Choi
Senior VP Global Business and Technology Strategy, Samsung Electronics

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink
Chair of the FME Board, Dutch employers’ organisation in the technology industry

Krasimir Dachev
Chairman of Slivosa, Vice-President of Bulgarian Chambers of Commerce

Saori Dubourg
Member of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE

Tomas Hedenborg
President of Orgalim and Senior Advisor to the Board of Fastems

Emma Marcegaglia
Chairman and CEO of Marcegaglia Holding

Dámaso Molero
CEO of 3P Biopharmaceuticals

Ulrike Rabmer-Koller
President of SMEunited, Owner and General Manager of Rabmer Group

Frédéric Saint-Geours
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SNCF

Peter Scherrer
The European Trade Union Confederation

Ariane Thomas
Director, Strategic Development Operations of L'Oreal Group

Luc Triangle
Secretary General, IndustriAll
Related links
Industry 2030 High Level Industrial Roundtable in the Register of Commission expert groups
Strategic Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest
The objective of the strategic forum, which consisted of 45 members representing EU countries, industry and the research community, was to identify key strategic value chains in Europe and propose a common vision for joint actions and investments between the EU, member countries and industry.
These strategic value chains are interlinked and integrated industrial activities have great potential to contribute to Europe’s green and digital transformation, and to improve Europe’s industrial competitiveness. The forum analysed several European industrial value chains and selected 6 strategic value chains needing further joint and coordinated efforts
- connected, clean and autonomous vehicles
- hydrogen technologies and systems
- smart health
- industrial internet of things
- low-CO2 emission industry
- cybersecurity
The strategic forum’s report, published in November 2019, identifies enabling actions for these strategic value chains, which range from joint investments, and consolidation of the single market through regulations and standards to the development of new skills. The report also calls for an agile governance process to monitor technological and industrial developments, to identify emerging strategic value chains and to monitor and evaluate the progress of work on these value chains.
Related links
Factsheet - Strengthening strategic value chains for an EU industry fit for the future
Strategic forum members and meetings
Transformation of EU energy intensive industries for a climate neutral economy by 2050
In November 2019, the High Level Group on Energy Intensive Industries published the masterplan on the transformation of EU energy intensive industries to enable a climate neutral, circular economy by 2050. The masterplan presents an integrated policy framework with recommendations to ensure that these industries can contribute to Europe’s 2050 climate-neutrality ambitions, while staying competitive.
The masterplan looks into
- the creation of markets for climate-neutral, circular economy products
- developing climate-neutral solutions and financing their uptake
- resources and deployment
It also focuses on the need to ensure a just transition and considers the need to equip workers with new skills and help communities dependent on these industries to manage the transition.
The masterplan will feed into the Commission’s work on the European Green Deal and new EU industrial strategy.