Tools & databases - European Commission
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Tools and databases

CosIng - Cosmetic ingredients database

CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic ingredients contained in the:

CP-DS: Legislation on substances in construction products

CP-DS database - the database is designed to help all interested parties to identify all relevant regulations in the field of dangerous substances in construction products.

ELIIT project

The light industries innovation and technology project (ELIIT project) seeks to support textile, clothing, leather and footwear (TCLF) SMEs in enhancing their competitiveness while helping them integrate new technologies in innovative or high added-value products, processes or services.


The European Monitor of Industrial Ecosystems (EMI) is a key tool used by the European Commission to track the progress of green and digital transition implementation in industrial ecosystems. EMI offers up-to-date data on advanced technology adoption, investments, skills demand and supply, environmental performance, trade, and production related to the twin transition.

European SME Week

European SME Week - this campaign promotes enterprise across Europe in line with the Small Business Act for Europe.

Guide on crowdfunding

The guide on crowdfunding offers information for small businesses on what crowdfunding is and how to access it.


ICSMS is an internet-supported information and communication system for the pan-European market surveillance.

NANDO-IS – conformity assessment bodies

NANDO-IS – conformity assessment bodies – bodies responsible for conformity assessment of products marketed in the EU.

Notifications under the Services Directive

Notifications of requirements under the Services Directive - Article 15(7) and 39(5)

Regulated professions database

Regulated professions database - In every EU country, a number of professions are regulated (e.g. pharmacists or architects). These are professions to which access is conditional upon the possession of specific qualifications or for which the use of a specific title is protected. To make it easier for EU citizens to find information about regulated professions, the European Commission has set up an online database on professional access requirements across the EU.

SDG (Single Digital Gateway) library

The SDG (Single Digital Gateway) library is a set of documents explaining the functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for implementing the Single Digital Gateway.

Search and drafting tool to support the complaints handling with AI (CHAI) 

CHAI is a pilot tool to test ‘smart search’ and ‘smart drafting’ functionalities using AI in the context of complaints handling by enforcement units. 

SME self-assessment questionnaire

SME self-assessment questionnaire - determine whether your organisation qualifies as a small and medium sized enterprise as defined in the EU Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

Standardisation requests

Standardisation requests – the public database giving access to the texts of standardisation requests adopted by the Commission and notified to the European standardisation organisations.

TBT notifications

TBT notifications – find notifications on technical barriers to trade.

TRIS – national technical regulations

TRIS – national technical regulations:

  • find notifications
  • find national contacts for the 98/34 procedure
  • new notifications in specific sectors

Tourism Dashboard

Tourism dashboard is a tool to improve access to tourism statistics, to provide policy-relevant indicators for tourism, and to support destinations and public authorities in tracking their progress in the green and digital transition towards better resilience.