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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
News article6 June 2023Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs1 min read

Commission and industry players commit to make the textile sector greener, more digital and competitive

Today (6 June 2023), the European Commission published the  transition pathway for the textiles ecosystem, which has been co-created by the Commission and relevant actors in the sector. The pathway defines specific actions to make this industry greener and more digital, and to ensure its long-term sustainability, resilience and competitiveness.

Through eight building blocks, the transition pathway outlines around 50 actions, including the promotion of circular and sustainable practices, services and business models and the support for SMEs to innovate, accelerate the twin transition, and to grow internationally.

It also includes actions on up-and reskilling, i.e., promoting access to lifelong learning and training opportunities for skilled workers. The report highlights the need to strengthen market surveillance for the textiles ecosystem and to make use of trade policies to promote exports and enforce environmental and social standards.

The Commission is now inviting all interested parties to contribute to the implementation of the transition pathway by putting forward their proposed commitments to support it.

The Commission proposed to develop transition pathways in different ecosystems in its May 2021 Industrial Strategy Update, as part of efforts to accelerate the green and digital transformation of the European industry. So far, transition pathways have been published in the fields of Tourism, Proximity and Social Economy, Chemicals and Construction.