Construction transition pathway - European Commission
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Construction transition pathway

The updated EU industrial strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transition of EU industry and its ecosystems. To that end, it proposes working together with industry, public authorities, social partners and other stakeholders. The resulting Transition Pathway for Construction was published on 15 March 2023.

The updated EU industrial strategy emphasises a swift green and digital transition of EU industry and its ecosystems. It foresees cooperation with industry, public authorities, social partners and stakeholders to navigate each ecosystem's transition. Each industrial ecosystem must transform its business models and value chains to become the foundation of a green, digital and resilient European economy. But such transitions require concrete and actionable plans (transition pathways) developed for each industrial ecosystem.

The Transition Pathway for Construction describes conditions and necessary actions for achieving a resilient, competitive, greener, and more digital construction ecosystem. In addition, it proposes actions that support the transition towards safer buildings and affordable housing for all Europeans.

The transition pathway for construction aims to offer a bottom-up understanding of the scale, cost, and conditions for resilience, competitiveness, and the green and digital transition. The Commission incorporated these conditions into the action plan, its success depending on collaboration between the European, national, regional and local authorities, industry, academia, and citizens. The High-Level Construction Forum (HLCF)  co-created the transition pathway with the Commission.