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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • News article
  • 2 February 2024
  • Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • 1 min read

Commission welcomes the agreement for crisis-proofing the Single Market

The European Commission welcomes the agreement reached yesterday by the European Parliament and the Council in support of a strong and open single market in times of crisis.

This agreement follows the Commission’s proposal of September 2022 and will put in place a framework to maintain the free movement of goods, services and persons. Moreover, it will ensure the availability of crisis-relevant goods and services in the event of future emergencies. It will benefit citizens and businesses across the EU by guaranteeing greater transparency and coordination when a critical situation emerges.

The agreement will include four main elements: a governance structure, and three different frameworks for contingency planning, vigilance and emergencies. The governance structure will ensure adequate coordination with EU member countries and advise the Commission on the appropriate measures for preventing or addressing the impact of a crisis on the single market. The frameworks for contingency planning and vigilance will focus on planning and preparing for potential future crises.

Finally, the framework for single market emergencies will include measures for re-establishing and facilitating free movement, as well as a list of prohibited restrictions of free movement rights during a single market emergency. Improving transparency and the possibility of procurement of crisis-relevant goods by the Commission, jointly with or on behalf of EU member countries, will also be key within the framework for single market emergencies.

The agreement also includes the possibility of exceptional measures to ensure the availability of crisis-relevant goods in a situation of last resort, and targeted derogations from product legislation to allow products to reach markets faster in an emergency while ensuring consumer safety.