Policy developments
The system of recognition of professional qualifications in the EU is governed by Directive 2005/36/EC, recently amended by Directive 2013/55/EU. The directive provides a modern EU system of recognition of professional experience and promotes automatic recognition of professional experience across the EU.
In May 2020 the Commission published a report on the implementation of certain new elements introduced by Directive 2013/55/EU and an accompanying staff working document.
Recognition of professional qualifications in practice
In practice, the recognition of professional qualifications laid down in Directive 2005/36/EC enables the free movement of professionals such as doctors or architects within the EU. Other professions, such as lawyers or sailors, fall under the scope of different legislation.
The recognition of professional experience in practice
The European Professional Card
In January 2016, the Commission introduced a new, EU-wide digital procedure for the recognition of professional qualifications – the European Professional Card (EPC). The procedure, currently available for general care nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists, real estate agents and mountain guides, makes it easier for Europeans to work where their professional skills are needed. The EPC contributes to the objective of making the Single Market a reality in practice.
Transparency and mutual evaluation of regulated professions
To clarify the status of regulated professions in the EU, the European Commission conducted a transparency and a mutual evaluation exercise.
Transparency and mutual evaluation
Database of regulated professions
The database of regulated professions contains information on regulated professions, statistics on migrating professionals, contact points and national authorities in EU countries, EEA countries, the UK and Switzerland.
Economic studies
The Commission contracted an independent study to provide more insight into the relationship between professional regulation and service quality. In 6 case studies researchers traced impact of regulatory variations on a wide range of quality indicators. The studies contribute to the development of empirical research methods and strategies to analyse this complex relationship.
Study: Effects of regulation on service quality
The Commission contracted several independent economic case studies, conducted at country level, to analyse the effects of reforms of regulatory requirements to access professions. The results of these studies demonstrate that, for the cases analysed, less restrictive regulation can have a positive impact on the labour market.
Six case studies on the economic effects of reforms of regulated professions
An independent study to assess the prevalence and labour market impacts of occupational regulation in the EU was conducted using the 2015 European Survey on Regulated Occupations. The aim was to reinforce the evidence base on the economic costs and benefits of occupational regulation.
Study: Measuring prevalence and labour market impacts of occupational regulation in the EU
Supporting information
- User guide to Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications (in all official EU languages)
- Code of conduct (3 MB)
Information on EU websites
- Europe Direct – for general information
- Solvit – for solving problems with national authorities
- Your Europe Advice – for personalised legal advice, free of charge
Contact points
- National authorities
- Assistance centres - these provide information on the recognition of professional qualifications in every EU country and guide professionals through the administrative formalities.
- National websites on regulated professions
- Single Points of Contact- professionals may also consult the single points of contact to carry out all the administrative procedures electronically.
Assistance centres
FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy
Direction générale Politique des PME - Service Professions intellectuelles et LégislationNorth Gate - 4th floor
Bd du Roi Albert II, 16
1000 Bruxelles
BELGIQUE- Tel: +32 2 277 91 51
- Website
Directorate 'Academic Recognition and Regulated Professions'
(Assistance Centre for Bulgaria)
National Center for Information and Documentation /
Национален център за информация и документация52 A, G.M. Dimitrov Blvd.
1125 София / Sofia
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Centrum pro uznávání odborných kvalifikací
Oddělení vnější legislativy /
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Centre for Recognition of Professional Qualifications
External Legislation UnitKarmelitská 529/5
118 12 Praha 1
Mr Panayiotis Dimitrakis
Independent Department for the Support of SAEP (Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications) and for the Application of European Legislation
General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth
Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs - HRVATSKA / CROATIA
Agencija za Znanost i Visoko Obrazovanje
Agency for Science and Higher EducationNacionalni ENIC/NARIC ured
National ENIC/NARIC officeDonje Svetice 38/5
HR-10000 Zagreb
HRVATSKA / CROATIA- Tel: +385 1 6274 888
Subdirección General de Títulos y Ordenación
Seguimiento y Gestión de las Enseñanzas Universitarias
Ministerio de UniversidadesPaseo de la Castellana 162, planta 17
28046 Madrid
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Dipartimento Politiche Europee
Ufficio per il mercato interno, la competitività e gli affari generali
Servizio per la libera circolazione delle persone, dei servizi, delle merci e dei capitaliLargo Chigi 19
00187 ROMA
ITALIAContact person
- Ms Giovanna Corrado
- Ms Lucia Monaco
Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
Gedimino ave. 38,
LT-01104 Vilnius
LITHUANIAContact persons
- Ms Sandra Kvaraciejienė
Coordinator for the recognition of professional qualifications
Adviser of Talent policy group
Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
Tel: +370 689 87970
- Ms Rasa Balserienė
Adviser of Talent policy group
Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania
Tel: +370 862 131328
- Website 1; website 2
- Ms Sandra Kvaraciejienė
Centro de Assistência para as Qualificações Profissionais / Assistance Centre for Professional Qualifications
DGERT – Direção Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho / General-Directorate for Employment and Labour RelationsPraça de Londres, n.º 2 - r/c
1049-056 Lisboa
National Centre for Recognition of Diplomas Granted Abroad/
Centre National pour la Reconnaissance des DiplômesStr. Spiru Haret, nr. 12, Sector 1
010176 Bucureşti
ROMÂNIAContact persons
Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu – Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní a Odborných kvalifikácií /
Ministry of education, science, research and sport – Centre of recognition of foreign diplomas and Professional qualificationsStromová, 1
SK - 813 30 Bratislava 1
Finnish National Agency for Education (Opetushallitus)
PO Box 380
FI-00531 Helsinki
SUOMI / FINLAND- Tel: + 358 29 533 1000
- Website
Please note that as of 31 December 2020 this information will no longer be updated due to the decision of the UK to leave the EU
The Assistance Centre, ECCTIS Ltd
Suffolk House
68-70 Suffolk Road
GL50 2ED
Mrs Iris Rut Bergmann
Directorate of EducationVíkurhvarfi 3
203 Kópavogi
ÍSLAND- Tel: +354 514 7500
- Fax: + 354 562 3068
National Contact Point for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
Einsteinstrasse 2
3003 Bern