On 18 of June 2024, Kerstin Jorna, Director General of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), chaired an in-person meeting of the Single Market Enforcement Taskforce (SMET). The main topics were the launch of a new project and starting a discussion on how to improve our compliance culture.
The first topic on the agenda was the new SMET project on biosolutions (biological pesticides). This initiative was developed and proposed by Denmark with the support of the Commission SMET team and the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE). Business stakeholders presented the key challenges they face when placing a new biosolution on the market.
The long approval process, sometimes taking 6 to 8 years, has a negative effect on the competitiveness of European companies developing biosolutions. The excessive time it takes to bring new biosolutions to the market is also hindering the transition to more sustainable agriculture.
Sandra Gallina, the Director General of DG SANTE, spoke about the actions that have already been taken to speed up the approval process for new biosolutions. She also emphasised the importance of taking further steps to facilitate the uptake of biosolutions.
The meeting continued with an overview of ongoing projects. The project on streamlining permitting for renewable energy projects is making good progress. A final push will be given before closing the project towards the end of the year. The flagship project on streamlining the administrative requirements for cross-border service providers has seen less progress than hoped for. A renewed effort is needed after this summer.
All participants agreed that rules need to be properly implemented and enforced for the Single Market to deliver its benefits to citizens and businesses. The Commission and members from EU countries discussed how to work together to improve the culture of compliance. Member States highlighted the need for stronger political support, and more enforcement action at EU level.
The final topic on the agenda was improving the function of the Single Market Transparency Directive, and how SMET can help ensure the effective prevention of Single Market fragmentation.
All in all, this constructive meeting highlighted how SMET is continuing to lead the way in tackling barriers within the Single Market. The next SMET meeting is planned for 24 September 2024.
- Publication date
- 21 June 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs