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Refinement Prize

The Refinement Prize is granted every 2 years to a laboratory technician, animal caretaker or technologist who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in new, novel approaches to advance the implementation and/or awareness raising of refinement of animal testing.

The purpose of this prize is to target those actually implementing alternative approaches to animal testing and/or raising awareness of their role, in particular for the day to day application and innovation of the refinement principles. See our 2023 call for more information.

3Rs Science Prize

The EPAA 3Rs science prize was first launched in 2014 to promote European research on alternative approaches to animal testing.

3Rs Student grants

Every year, a number of international meetings bring together world-class scientists working on 3Rs alternatives to animal testing (Replacement, Reduction or Refinement). Costs linked to participation may prevent students with promising work from attending.

For this reason, the EPAA partners decided to launch a new funding programme, the 3Rs Student Grants with the aim to sponsor and by this facilitate the participation of students and young scientists in important scientific events.