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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Sustainable EU Tourism – Shaping the Tourism of Tomorrow

The words "sustainable EU tourism" appear, followed by text that says "shaping the tourism of tomorrow".

The “Sustainable EU Tourism – Shaping the Tourism of Tomorrow” project provides support to EU tourism destinations as they navigate towards greater sustainability and resilience, in line with the Transition Pathway for Tourism.

Throughout the project's duration (December 2023 to December 2025), emphasis will be placed on ensuring the economic, social, and cultural well-being of local communities, alongside the preservation of their natural environments.

Specifically, the project will

  • identify key challenges and best practices related to sustainable and resilient tourism
  • establish a peer-to-peer twinning mechanism for tourism destinations facing similar challenges. This mechanism will facilitate the sharing of experiences, mutual learning and collaboration towards common objectives
  • in addition to this project, DMOs will be informed of other European Commission instruments that support peer learning activities in public administrations. These include study visits, expert missions, and workshops – such as the TAIEX-EIR Peer-2-Peer tool (environmental technical assistance) or REGIO Peer2Peer + (regional technical assistance)
  • carry out communication campaigns targeting DMOs and tourists

Recent progress


If you have any questions, please contact Alberto Venditti at: alberto [dot] vendittiatintelleraconsulting [dot] com (alberto[dot]venditti[at]intelleraconsulting[dot]com)

As of 1 February 2025, tourism policies are managed by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE). All the pages related to tourism will soon be moved to their website.