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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Confidence Indicator for the industrial ecosystems

Updated every month and based on data extracted by the Joint Harmonised EU Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys, provides a timely indication of the state of each ecosystem at the EU level.

We build a profile of the economic sentiment for each ecosystem, by calculating a weighted average of the values of those sectors included in the definition of each ecosystem; the weights are based on the share of value added that each sector has in the total value added of the ecosystem, as a measure of the relevance of that sector to that ecosystem.

Key messages of this edition

  • Pretty stable trends in confidence across industrial ecosystems;
  • Three ecosystems recorded relevant increases in confidence: 
    • Digital, which remains the most positive one;
    • And Energy Intensive Industries and Textiles, which remain the two with the lowest levels.
  • The largest drop in confidence was recorded for Tourism, which is quite worrying, given that it happened in August, a month typically positive for this ecosystem.

Note: For 'Retail', 'Agrifood', 'Proximity-Social Economy', 'Renewable Energies', and 'Health', data available only partially cover that ecosystem, so we used dashed lines and the related values have to be interpreted with caution