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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

EU Payment Observatory Indicators Mapper


The Indicator’s Database is a dynamic and interactive tool that monitors payment performance in commercial transactions in the European Economic Area (EEA). It includes two sections. 

  • The first one contains indicators on payments times which can be consulted by sector, size, for G2B transactions or for all businesses and also per country. 
  • The second one refers to the general payment climate and includes indicators on impacts and drivers of late payments as well as on policies and remedies taken to both prevent and combat late payments. The section is equally divided by data of all businesses, size and G2B and can be consulted per country. 

This database is continuously updated and relies on publicly available, reusable and consistent information. Each indicator contains its source between brackets. A link to all the sources used on the development of this database can be found on the sources section

Indicators Mapper

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