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Unutarnje tržište, industrija, poduzetništvo te mali i srednji poduzetnici

GROW Chief Economist Network with Member States (ChiefEcon-MS)

The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs' Chief Economist chairs the ChiefEcon-MS expert group which comprises membership from chief economist teams or economic analysis units in ministries responsible for industry, economics and competitiveness, as well as the European Central Bank, some national Central Banks, and the European Investment Bank. 

Since its launch in 2022, the ChiefEcon-MS has held 10 meetings on key issues for EU industry and single market portfolios, including strategic dependencies, supply chain distress, monitoring of chips distress, raw materials, competitiveness, investment needs for the twin transition, as well as the resilience and energy nexus. 

  1. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 8 March 2022 on supply chain resilience 
  2. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 14 March 2022 on investment needs
  3. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 27 April 2022 on supply chain disruptions
  4. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 23 June 2022 on energy outlook
  5. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 5 September 2022 on raw materials & dependencies 
  6. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 16 February 2023 on strategic dependencies
  7. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 1 June 2023 on KPIs
  8. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 19 October 2023 on chips SCAN 
  9. ChiefEcon-MS meeting 12 December 2023 on competitiveness KPIs
  10. ChiefEcon-MS Meeting 5 June 2024: Seminar on the Industry Outlook - Agenda


grow-a1atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (grow-a1[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

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