The Chief Economist Team - European Commission Skip to main content
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The Chief Economist Team

The Chief Economist Team at the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is responsible for the development, coordination and production of economic analysis. It ensures that the Directorate-General (DG) bases its initiatives on sound economic evidence. 

Chief Economist Román Arjona leads the team. It provides the DG with timely, robust and practical economic advice. We are involved in a broad spectrum of economic matters: from single market deepening and industrial policy modernisation to the analysis of strategic value chains and dependencies and the competitiveness and industrial aspects of the European green deal. We are also responsible for the coordination of the Chief Economists Networks inside the Commission and with Member States.

Finally, the Chief Economist Team stimulates economic debate within the DG and beyond. It does this by

All this, together with the internal research done by the members of the Chief Economist Team, results in the publication of the Single Market Economics Papers.


What we do