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The European Regulators Group for Postal Services

The European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) is an advisory group to the European Commission. Its main objective is to help consolidate the internal postal services market and ensure consistent application of relevant legislation. To achieve these objectives, ERGP facilitates cooperation between the independent National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and between them and the Commission.

News & Updates

Contribute to ERGP Work Programme 2026

We are shaping the future of the postal sector!

The ERGP Work Programme 2026 will address critical topics like postal regulation, infrastructure resilience, technological advancements, Big Data, AI, and consumer protection—all while considering long-term trends and challenges in the sector.

We invite stakeholders to share their proposals, ideas, or specific topics to ensure the programme reflects the sector’s needs.

Call for input regarding ERGP Work Programme 2026 (PDF, 125.55 KB)

Submit your input by 28 February 2025 to GROW-ERGPatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-ERGP[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) and ergp2026atanacom [dot] pt (ergp2026[at]anacom[dot]pt).

Your contributions will be greatly appreciated!

Let’s work together to create a stronger and more innovative postal sector!


On 29 November 2024, ERGP held its 27th Plenary Meeting hosted by PTS in Stockholm.

Press release (PDF, 155 kB)

ERGP expresses its solidarity with Nova Posta of Ukraine

ERGP is on LinkedIn


The European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP) is composed of NRAs from EU countries. The Commission, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Surveillance Authority, NRAs from European Economic Area countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and EU candidate countries participate as observers to the group.

Participation takes place at the level of heads of the NRAs and the chair is elected from the membership. The Commission provides the secretariat to the group.

Note: for National Regulatory Authority in Estonia - Konkurentsiamet


ERGP can be contacted via grow-ergpatec [dot] europa [dot] eu

Expert groups

The ERGP work programme for 2023 was adopted during the ERGP plenary on 25 November 2022.

The work programme is organised based on the 3 strategic pillars of the medium term strategy 2023-2025

  • Strategic pillar I – revisiting the postal sector and its regulatory framework in the light of environmental sustainability and digitalisation
  • Strategic pillar II – promoting a competitive EU postal single market in the context of rising e-commerce deliveries
  • Strategic pillar III – empowering end-users and ensuring a user oriented universal service

According to the medium term strategy, in all activities stemming from strategic pillars I, II and III, ERGP will focus on

  • providing proactive and forward-looking support and advice to the European Commission
  • refocusing the objectives of the regulatory framework following the greenfield approach
  • continue reflecting specificities of the letter mail segment as part of the postal sector
  • empowering the end-users ensuring their ability to make an informed choice and benefit from changing business models while being protected in a volatile economic environment
  • enhanced engagement with relevant stakeholders and international organisations
  • efficiency

The implementation of the 2023 work programme is entrusted to ERGP work groups, composed of experts from national regulatory authorities.

Meetings, documents and consultations

Since it was established, the ERGP has played an important role in postal reform and oversight. Comprehensive information about the ERGP meetings and publications is available here.