Transition pathway - European Commission
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Photographs of a woman in a wheelchair working on a laptop, hard cheeses being sold at a market, two parents and a child walking through a green space outside office buildings, and a tree being planted.
Proximity and social economy transition pathway

In November 2022, the European Commission published the Transition Pathway for Proximity and Social Economy. The pathway identifies 14 action areas and 30 specific actions.

Since the publication of the pathway, the implementation phase has started. During this phase, the Commission calls on stakeholders to make a pledge and express their engagement to contribute to the identified action area. You can find more information about pledges in the subsection below.

We are calling for pledges among public and private actors and stakeholders in the EU proximity and social economy ecosystem to encourage a green and digital transition.

Submit your pledge

Please respond by 1 June 2025.

See the 'Pledges' link above for details on previous pledges.

See the section on 'Pledges for co-implementation of the transition pathway' below for more context and details.