In 2023, Europe’s single market turned 30!
Since its creation in 1993, the single market has helped to make everyday life easier for people and businesses, fuelling jobs and growth across the EU. It is one of the EU’s greatest achievements.
Today, the single market continues to be the driving force for the EU to address new challenges. It can help find solutions to tackle climate change, build up a clean and secure energy supply, and support the digitalisation of our economy. The single market is also the backbone of Europe’s resilience, allowing it to emerge stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic and the current energy crisis by helping companies diversify their supply chains and find new business opportunities.
The single market gives people the chance to travel and work around the EU and allows goods, services and money to move around almost as freely as within a single country. This has become an integral part of European life. These opportunities create more choice of products and services for consumers all around the EU. Your Europe offers hands-on information about them.
A well-functioning single market requires everyone to play by the same rules. That’s why consumers can trust that the products and services they buy across the EU are safe and meet agreed performance requirements; and that companies respect rules on labour and environmental protection. The single market also helps us to project these high standards and values globally.
The single market helps companies, especially small ones, to attract investments to grow across the EU and globally. It also protects companies from possible shocks to their supply chains, by making it easier for them to find new suppliers and partners. In this way, the single market helped companies to connect and overcome difficulties like the recent COVID-19 pandemic, enabling Europe to deliver life-saving vaccines and lead the global response to the crisis.
The single market is Europe’s best answer to help tackle the impacts of climate change, develop a more sustainable and circular economy and society and take full advantage of the digital revolution. It allows for the scaling of innovative solutions across the continent and helps Europe to secure access to new technologies, critical raw materials and clean energy as well as infrastructure, financing and skills needed for this transition.

- General publications
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
The stories featured in this brochure illuminate how the four fundamental freedoms of the Single Market—free movement of goods, persons, services, and capital—have simplified daily business operations, fuelling growth and prosperity across the European Union.
Key achievements of the single market
- Erasmus - one of Europe’s biggest successes, Erasmus started as a student exchange programme and is now supporting close to 640 000 people in their studies, traineeships or voluntary work abroad (in 2020). In addition, more than 11 000 young entrepreneurs have benefitted from work experience and mentoring in companies in other EU countries through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme.
- Professional qualifications - Single Market rules ensure that professional qualifications from one country are recognised by another. Lawyers, engineers or people qualified in other professions regulated by EU countries can rest assured that they will enjoy equal opportunities in other EU countries.
- Safety of personal data - the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guarantees tech users certain rights, including control and access to their data, and even the right to request to delete their data. Organisations are now obliged to use security tools like encryption whenever possible to minimise the damage to users in the event of a data breach.
- Vaccines - vaccines have played a key role in bringing the COVID-19 pandemic under control. Once granted medical approvals, Europe stepped up the production of vaccines for Europeans and the rest of the world.
- Energy provision - EU rules on energy providers empower consumers, making it easier for them to compare deals and switch electricity suppliers.
- Safety and quality of consumer products - EU rules and standards ensure that consumer products like clothes, toys, cosmetics or food contact materials are safe to use. For instance, chemicals rules ensure that these products do not contain harmful chemicals. Standards ensure that items like children’s clothes do not contain dangerous cords or drawstrings.
- Energy efficiency of products - thanks to EU energy labels, consumers can see how much energy and water an appliance will use. Ecodesign rules also ensure that household products like fridges or washing machines are becoming more energy efficient, helping to save energy and money.
- Right to repair - EU law guarantees that consumers have the right to repair or replace defective products without cost, during a period of 2 years.
- Roaming - when travelling to another EU country, consumers don't have to pay any additional charges to use their mobile phones.
- Common charger - new rules will ensure that people will be able to charge their mobile phones and other electronic devices using only one type of charger. This will be more convenient for consumers and help to reduce e-waste.
- Making business easier for SMEs - a network of national portals, available through Your Europe, provides information for businesses and the general public on how EU rules are applied in each EU country for cross-border users, as well as on available assistance services. The system should soon allow for the completion of many administrative procedures fully online, in all EU countries.
- Timely payments - EU rules ensure that public authorities remunerate businesses for the products and services they provide in a timely manner. To further discourage a culture of late payments, current rules will be strengthened, especially to protect SMEs and the most vulnerable businesses.
- Public procurement - EU rules ensure that tenders by public authorities are open and transparent. Public authorities are also encouraged to procure innovative, cleaner and more digital products and services, for instance by opting for cleaner vehicles in public transport.
- Unitary patent - companies can protect their intellectual property by registering for a single, unitary European patent. This system also makes it easier to enforce companies’ rights in court, and overall make it simpler and cheaper for companies to protect their innovations.
- Critical inputs and technologies - businesses need essential inputs like critical raw materials or key technologies like semiconductors to help advance our economy’s greening and digitalisation. Thanks to the Single Market, Europe is working on reducing our dependencies on non-EU countries, including through the Critical Raw Materials Act, by diversifying supplies, increasing production in Europe and supporting recycling.
Single Market Programme (SMP)
The Single Market Programme (SMP) is the EU funding programme to help the single market reach its full potential and ensure Europe’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
With €4.2 billion over the period of 2021-2027, it provides an integrated package to support and strengthen the governance of the single market.
Single market activities in 2023
In 2023, to mark the 30th anniversary of the single market, numerous events, talks, and exhibitions were organised by the Commission and various stakeholders across the EU. These activities highlighted the achievements of the single market and its impact on everyday life.
Although the celebrations have concluded, you can explore the map below to see the events that took place throughout the year.
Flagship events
- 7-8 December 2022Prague academic and policy conferences
- 7 December, an academic conference, brought together top researchers from academia and policy makers from EU and national institutions to present research findings and policy insights related to the single market. Speakers' presentations and recordings of all sessions are now available.
- 8 December, a political conference, focused on the further development of the Single Market and the vision for the next 30 years, its opportunities and risks for further integration. One panel was dedicated to how we can further remove barriers for SMEs in the single market.
- 16-17 January 2023January EP plenary session: debate
During the plenary, the European Parliament looked at how the single market has transformed Europe since its launch in 1993 and what else should be done to make full use of its potential.
- 24-25 January 2023EESC 575th Plenary session - 30 years of the Single Market, our greatest success but also the biggest challenge for the next generation
- 16 March 2023Adoption of the "Single Market at 30" communication
See the adopted communication and factsheet.
- 17-21 April 2023Hannover Messe 2023
The Commission had a prominent presence at the Hannover Fair 2023. More than 20 panels at the Commission stand’s auditorium hosted a total of about 600 visitors. The Commission was represented by several high-level speakers from the DG, including Director-General Kerstin Jorna, Deputy Director-General Maive Rute, Directors Jakub Boratynski and Kristin Schreiber, who contributed to the panels and discussions. Commission staff seized the opportunity to engage throughout the week with stakeholders from industry, academia, and beyond, and to showcase their work to support economic growth and innovation across Europe.
- 2 May 2023Single Market Forum
On 2 May, the European Commission together with the Swedish Presidency co-hosted the Single Market Forum conference (SIMFO) to mark the 30th anniversary of the EU single market. A high-level panel discussed what can be done now and in the long term to improve the functioning of the single market. The panel also discussed what the EU single market has achieved in its first 30 years and emphasised the importance of long-term competitiveness for continued success. Issues discussed during the conference included the future of the single market, with a focus on the digital single market, standardisation and skills supply. The business sector, trade organisations, representatives from the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States and other actors gave their views on how the single market can be improved.
- June 2023 - July 2023Social media campaign
- September 2023 – June 2024Single Market Tour
Check out the Single Market Tour page for more information and its itinerary
- 15 September 2023The Single Market in its 30th anniversary and beyond
Two panels have been held in the European Commission Representation in Madrid.
Panel 1: 30 years of the Single Market: achievements and challenges ahead
In this first panel, speakers reflected on the achievements of the Single Market throughout the past 3 decades, while delving into the challenges facing the EU's continued influence in the world today, and how the Single Market can contribute to sustain European values and prosperity.
Panel 2: The next 30 years: The citizen at the core of the Single Market agenda
This second panel analysed the EU’s priority areas, policies and tools to contribute to more resilient, cohesive, inclusive and sustainable societies across EU countries.
- 4-6 October 2023EU Industry Days 2023 in Málaga
The Commission’s flagship event dedicated to EU industry was held in Málaga, Spain and gathered approximately 1,200 participants both on site and online, including more than 200 speakers. Discussions took place over 3 days and featured industrial leaders, policymakers, SME representatives, start-uppers, researchers, and civil society representatives. The event offered an opportunity for participants to meet with both EU and local experts to discover funding and business advisory programmes and visit an exhibition with 16 EU-funded projects. In addition, the EU Industry Days provided a platform for stakeholders to share their views with EU policymakers. See the report of the event with key takeaways from all 40 sessions. It is also possible to watch the recordings of all the sessions on GROW’s Youtube channel.
- 13-15 November 2023SME Assembly 2023 in Bilbao
- 15-17 November 2023EEN Annual Conference in Bilbao
Business Planet
Episode 1 - EU single market prepares to celebrate its 30th birthday
Episode 2 - Energy security: How innovation is driving Europe’s race for solar renaissance
Episode 3 - Setting the standard: How LEGO ensures its toys are child-proof and cybersecure
Episode 4 - Europe in race to secure raw materials critical for energy transition
Episode 5 - How public spending in Oslo is driving zero-emissions building sites
Episode 6 – Bridging the gap: Boosting Europe’s green workforce to keep pace with net zero energy ambitions
Episode 7 – Europe's Unitary Patent: Boosting innovation and simplifying patent protection
Episode 8 - Are short-term rentals the cause of Porto's housing crisis?
Episode 9 – Quarter of European bankruptcies blamed on late payments. What is the Commission doing about it?
Episode 10 – From trash to treasure: Europe's journey to 'infinitely' recyclable textiles
Episode 11 – Enterprise Europe Network helps Greek textiles firm push the boundaries of innovation
Episode 12 – Europe’s SME Assembly: Big ideas for a sustainable economic climate
Episode 13 – Reach for the sky: How clusters are helping Europe's aerospace industry take off
Episode 14 – Progress or hot air: Is Europe on track to meet its wind energy targets?
Episode 15 – What's stopping Europe from reaching its clean hydrogen goals?
Episode 16 – How does the EU protect businesses from unfair trading practices? | Euronews
Episode 17 – 20th anniversary of EU expansion that opened new business horizons
Episode 18 - 'I start from a big, red alarm' - Enrico Letta urges radical EU single market shake-up
Single Market Tour
The Single Market Tour, celebrating the 30th anniversary of the single market, successfully engaged citizens across the European Union from September 2023 to June 2024. It was a milestone in promoting the single market’s benefits while visiting 44 cities across 24 EU countries.
This travelling exhibition showcased the many benefits and opportunities of the single market. It featured engaging and interactive activities, challenging games, and insightful interviews.
The tour's successful engagement with people across Europe highlighted the Commission's commitment to connecting with citizens and gathering valuable insights on their views of the single market. As we reflect on the tour's achievements, we also look forward to future initiatives that can build on these successes.
Check out the Single Market Tour page for more information and its itinerary.
The single market turns 30 in 2023, the European Parliament continues to work to adapt the single market further to respond to current challenges and make full use of its potential (16 January 2023)
Discover how Enterprise European Network experts can provide tailored advice on product compliance, taxation and regulatory rules, international business opportunities, intellectual property, and more (9 January 2023)
Related links
The EC Library has produced a Library Guide, which contains a selection of information and sources on the history of the European single market.
EU competitiveness beyond 2030: looking ahead at the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the single market - EC press release (16 March 2023)
2023 Annual Single Market Report and 2022 Single Market Scoreboard Report confirm the single market underpins Europe’s ability to tackle key challenges - EC press release (31 January 2023)
30 years of the EU single market: Time to face new challenges - EP resolution (18 January 2023)
European single market is turning 30 - press release (2 January 2023)
Commissioner Breton's speech at the conference on the 30th anniversary of the single market (8 December 2022)
Celebrating 30 years of the EU single market - Eurostat infographics (6 December 2022)
EP Internal Market Committee hearing celebrating 30 years of the single market - event details, press release (27 October 2022)