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European Union Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EURMKB)

The European Union Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EURMKB) is a part of the European Innovation Partnership’s Strategic Implementation Plan. Its aim is to be a one-stop-shop for all information on raw materials in the EU. With the help of EU countries, the service will collect, store, maintain, upgrade, analyse, and disseminate information on the raw materials. This knowledge base will serve industry and policy makers as a valuable source of data.

The main objectives of the knowledge base are

  • Data - the EURMKB will provide EU level data and information on raw materials from different sources in a harmonised and standardised way;
  • New activities – it will encourage activities in the raw materials sector such as exploration, extraction, processing, and recycling, as well as trade, development, skills, and education;
  • Increased supply – the base will increase the supply of raw materials, as well as strengthen Europe’s position on the forefront of the raw materials sector.

See the European Innovation Partnership’s Strategic Implementation Plan for more information.

How the knowledge base will work

The information on primary and secondary sources of raw materials, together with expertise, will form the three main blocks of the EURMKB:

  • Data collection - data and information will be collected from different sources, such as EUROSTAT, the Joint Research Centre, agencies (such as geological surveys) in EU countries, other national and international organisations, European projects and programmes, and industry.
  • Maintenance - the EURMKB will apply EU and global standards, maintain and update data and information, and make it available to the public through the internet and publications.
  • Expertise - selected parts of the data and information will be analysed and reported to the public as expertise, for example Material flow analysis (MFA) for metals. Spatial data will be available in an INSPIRE compliant way, as well as in 3D when appropriate.

How the knowledge base will develop

The base of the three building blocks of EURMKB is already in place. Their outcomes will determine what is missing for the first three blocks. The EURMKB could be organised in different ways, possibly also as a permanent body. Close international cooperation could lead to a world knowledge base on raw materials.

The main EU projects providing information on raw materials

  • ProMine (Nano-particle products from new mineral resources in Europe)
  • SNAP SEE (Sustainable aggregates planning in South East Europe)
  • EURARE (EU Rare Earth Sustainable Exploitation)
  • SARMa (Sustainable Aggregate Resource Management)
  • AEGOS (African-European Georesources Observation System)
  • EGDI – SCOPE (Pan-European Geological Data Infratsructure)
  • Minerals4EU
  • Minventory
  • Project under H2020 in 2014: Secondary raw materials inventory for secondary sources
  • Planned projects under H2020 in 2015: Raw materials intelligence capacity for providing expertise

Databases in the Commission


GROW-I1atec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-I1[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)