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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Calls for Tenders : Prior Information Notices

The TED database, maintained by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, provides interested users with access to the latest edition of the Official Journal and an archive of all documents that have appeared in the Supplement to the Official Journal over the past five years. It also contains documents whose deadline for receipt of tenders or requests to participate has expired. A hierarchically structured index gives an overview of the documents from the latest edition and enables users to view documents and carry out a search. TED "Search for tenders" function is a comprehensive, user-friendly tool that helps users carry out a targeted search for specific documents. Individual search criteria can be set in various search masks (normal, extended or expert search) and saved as a search profile. The entry of search criteria is supported by catalogues of terms from which selections can be made. Search terms can be combined.


Prior Information Notice n° 2011/S 127-209986

(published in the OJ S127 of 06/07/2011)

B-Brussels: Raw materials: study on innovative technologies and possible pilot plants.

Prior Information Notice n° 2011/S 50-081099

(published in the OJ S50 of 12/03/2011)

B-Brussels: (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate R - 'Enterprise & Industry' magazine web publishing programme and newsletter.

Prior Information Notice n° 2011/S 45-073351

(published in the OJ S45 of 05/03/2011)

B-Brussels: (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate R - Multiple framework contract with reopening of competition in support of communication and information activities.

Prior Information Notice n° 2011/S 35-056851

(published in the OJ S35 of 19/02/2011)

B-Brussels : (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate F - Projects 2011

  • ENTR/F1 - Study on the feasibility of a European indicator system for sustainable management at destination level.
  • ENTR/F2 - Study on the current situation and prospects of mutuals in Europe.
  • ENTR/F2 : Feasibility study for virtual tourism observatory.

This prior information notice is published as an indication of the procurement that (former) Enterprise DG's Directorate F intends to make during the year. Other calls not mentioned in the prior information notice could be launched too. If and when any of these calls is launched, a specific notice for each such procurement will be published in the Official Journal, giving all relevant details including a reference to where additional information and supporting documents can be obtained. No such specific information will be available until then.


Prior Information Notice n° 059331-2010

(published in the OJ S41 of 27/02/2010)

B-Brussels : (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate G - Projects 2010

  • ENTR/G2 — study on options to fully harmonise the EU legislation on mineral and organic fertilisers, including technical feasibility, environmental, economic and social impacts
  • ENTR/G4 — standards comparison between the EU and Russia and Brazil in the textiles, clothing, footwear and leather sectors.
  • ENTR/G4 — assessment of the situation of the textile and footwear sectors in the EU and prospects for their future development.


Prior Information Notice n° 093953-2009

(published in the OJ S66 of 04/04/2009)

B-Brussels : (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate H - Projects 2009

Implementation of an initial GMES service for geospatial reference data access

Prior Information Notice n° 044542-2009

(published in the OJ S 31 of 14/02/2008)

B-Brussels : (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate D - Innovation Policy - Projects 2009

Analysis of innovation drivers and barriers in support of better policies – inno grips - D1

Prior Information Notice

Framework contract for the provision of consultancy service in the field of automotive industry

Prior Information Notice

The impact of private labels on the competitiveness of SMEs within the EU Agro-food industry

Prior Information Notice n° 044537-2009

(published in the OJ S 31 of 14/02/2009)

B-Brussels : prior information notice (former) DG ENTR Directorate I 2009

Prior Information Notice n° 044529-2009

(published in the OJ S 31 of 14/02/2009)

B-Brussels : identification of future skills needs in micro and craft (-type) enterprises


Prior Information Notice n° 051615-2008

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23/02/2008)

B-Brussels : (former) DG Enterprise and Industry - Directorate D - Innovation Policy - Projects 2008
2008/S 38-051615

Prior Information Notice n° 036804-2008

(published in the OJ S 28 of 9/02/2008)
B-Brussels: Various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)
Corrigendum (published in the OJ S 31 of 14/02/2008)
I4/1 - Technical secretariat for groups of notified bodies (Directive 2000/9/EC and Directive 94/25/EC) (2 lots) I5/1 - Liability and insurance regimes in the construction sector: national schemes and guidelines to stimulate innovation and sustainability. I5/2 - Targeted promotion campaign for Life Cycle Costing (LCC) in construction. I5/3 - Development of a construction information platform. I5/4 - Promotion campaign for the Eurocodes in 3rd countries. I5/5 - Technical assistance regarding European Technical Approval Guidelines and technical specifications with reference to mandates or authorisations given in the framework of the Council Directive 89/106/EEC. I5/6 - Technical secretariat for groups of notified bodies (Directive 90/396/EEC and Directives 87/404/EEC and 97/23/EC) (2 lots) I3/1 - Study on the interplay between intellectual property rights (IPRs) and standards.


Prior Information Notice n° 083616-2007

(published in the OJ S 69 of 07/04/2007)
B-Brussels - various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • G2/1 - Framework contract for technical assistance in selected areas of chemical affairs
    The framework contract will contain 3 different lots. Each individual contract will have an initial duration of 24 months and may be renewable once for 2 additional years.
  • G4/1 - Technical and management support with the purpose of enhancing the sustainable competitiveness of SMEs in the EU forest-based industries

Prior Information Notice N° 083612-2007 and corrigendum 097078-2007

(published in OJ S 69 of 07/04/2007 and corrigendum in OJ S 80 of 25/04/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • C3/1 - Contract for the translation of technical regulations in respect of Directive 98/34/EC

Prior Information Notice n° 065970-2007

(published in the OJ S 54 of 17/03/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • R4/1 - Framework contract in support of communication and information activities
  • R2/1 - External training in economics and/or legal training (2 lots)
  • R4/2 - Enterprise magazine (working title) web publishing programme and newsletter
  • R4/3 - Full reworking of 2 principle web sites managed by (former) DG ENTR

Prior Information Notice n° 059679-2007

(published in the OJ S 49 of 10/03/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • C4/1 - Constitution of a list of products subject to mutual recognition in the area of free movement of goods
  • C1/1 Management of the Administrative Secretariat of the "Co-ordination groups of the Notified bodies" in the framework of the Community's New Approach directives.

Prior Information Notice n° 058355-2007

(published in the OJ S 48 of 09/03/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • D1/3 - Inno-Metrics - European innovation scoreboard 2008 and 2009

Prior Information Notice n° 054591-2007

(published in the OJ S 45 of 06/03/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • E1/1 - Feasibility study for the pilot action Erasmus for young entrepreneurs
  • E3/1 - Promoting craft and SMEs in the area of standardisation

Prior Information Notice n° 051874-2007

(published in the OJ S 43 of 02/03/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • H1/1 - Study analysing the impact of financing structures in the aerospace section on the supply chain
  • H1/4 - Study on the impact of the defence industry structure in relation to the creation of EDEM

Prior Information Notice n° 049417-2007

(published in the OJ S 41 of 28/02/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • D4/1 - Study of the impact of global sourcing on e-skills
  • D4/2 - Study on European quality criteria for e-skills training and certifications
  • D4/3 - Promoting the development of cross-border digital value networks in the single market
  • D1/1 - Sectoral Innovation watch 2008-2010
  • D1/2 - Collection, analysis and exploitation of results obtained from innovation projects

Prior Information Notice n° 045702-2007

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23/02/2007)
B-Brussels : various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • F5/1 - Differences and commonalities in pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement systems in Europe - update 1
  • F3/1 - Relation with the notified bodies competent for medical devices
  • F3/2 - Study on counterfeiting of medical devices
  • F3/3 - Study on vigilance in the sector of medical devices
  • F4/1 - Competitiveness analysis of a specific subsector within the European food industry, impact assessment of the fool legislation and of international changes in the agrofood market
  • F4/2 - Agro-food industry innovation information diffusion

Prior Information Notice n° 043225-2007

(published in the OJ S 36 of 21/02/2007)
B-Brussels: Various services : All EU languages (see menu, right-hand upper corner)

  • I4/1 - Technical support relating to the application of directives in the mechanical and electrical engineering sectors.
  • I4/2 - Annual update of the statistical database of the Commission concerning the electrical and mechanical engineering industry.
  • I4/3 - Round robin test on noise measurement uncertainty.
  • I4/4 - Complementary impact assessment study on possible emission reduction measures for recreational craft engines.
  • I5/1 - Future qualification and skills needs in the construction sector.
  • I5/2 - Voluntary arrangements for collaborative working in the field of construction services.
  • I3/1 - Study to improve access to standardisation.


Prior Information Notice n° 225483-2006

(published in the OJ S 211 of 07.11.2006)
B-Brussels: Framework contract - Community programme for the reduction of regulatory administrative costs

Prior Information Notice n° 228674-2006

(published in the OJ S 214 of 10.11.2006)
B-Brussels: Strenghtening the IPR enforcement of EU industry and SMEs - workshops on best practices of support measures by MS and private sector

Prior information notice n° 194804-2006

(published in the OJ S 184 of 27.09.2006)

B-Brussels: framework contract for the procurement of sectoral competitiveness studies

Prior information notice n° 31317-2006

(published in the OJ S 29 of 11.02.2006)

B-Brussels - various services

  • Project D4/1 - Benchmarking e-skills policies on multi-stakeholder partnerships
  • Project D4/2 - European ICT Skills and Career Portal
  • Project D4/3 - Survey of e-business skills in Europe
  • Project D4/4 - Benchmarking commercially available e-business solutions and services for SMEs
  • Project D4/5 - Benchmarking sectoral policy initiatives in support of e-business for SMEs
  • Project D4/6 - Technical assistance to the eBSN - European e-Business Support Network for SMEs
  • Project D4/7 - Sectoral e-Business Watch

Prior information notice n° 016043-2006

(published in the OJ S 15 of 24.01.2006)

B-Brussels: software programming and consultancy services

  • Creation of an integrated central IT system for the new European Chemicals Agency and related services.

Prior information notice n° 013801-2006

(published in the OJ S 13 of 20.01.2006)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Project I1/1:
    Beste europäische Praktiken im Fremdenverkehr. European best tourism practices.
    Meilleures pratiques européennes en matière de tourisme.
  • Project I3/1:
    Studie betreffend die Druckindustrie in der EU: Strukturelle Herausforderungen und technologische Entwicklungen in diesem Sektor. Study about the printing industry in the EU: structural challenges and technological developments in the sector.
    Étude relative à l'industrie de l'imprimerie dans l'UE: défis structurels et développements technologiques dans le secteur.
  • Project I4/1:
    Studie über die Geschäftsbeziehungen in der Produktionskette der Bekleidungsbranche in der EU, von der Industrie bis zum Einzelhandel und Vertrieb. Study on business relations in the EU clothing chain; from industry to retail and distribution.
    Étude relative aux relations d'affaires dans le secteur de la confection de vêtements dans l'UE, depuis l'industrie à la vente au détail et à la distribution.
  • Project I5/1:
    Betrieb einer Zertifizierungsinstanz (Bridge / Gateway Certification Authority) für europaweite elektronische Behördendienste (eGovernment-Dienste). Operation of a bridge/gateway certification authority for European eGovernment services.
    Gestion d'une autorité de certification Bridge/Gateway pour les services d'eGouvernement européen.
  • Project I5/2:
    Technologien zur Interoperabilität von Inhalten für europaweite elektronische Behördendienste (eGovernment-Dienste). Content interoperability technologies for European eGovernment services.
    Technologies d'interopérabilité des contenus pour les services d'eGouvernement européen.
  • Project I5/3:
    Entwicklung und Betrieb von Middleware für europaweite elektronische Behördendienste (eGovernment-Dienste). Middleware development and operation for European eGovernment services.
    Développement et gestion de logiciels intermédiaires pour les services d'eGouvernement européen.
  • Project I5/4:
    Qualitätssicherung und -management für europäische Projekte betreffend elektronische Behördendienste (eGovernment-Dienste). Quality assurance and management of European eGovernment projects.
    Assurance qualité et gestion de projets dans le cadre de l'eGouvernement européen.
  • Project I5/5:
    Management und Pflege des Portals "Europa für Sie" (Your Europe). Your Europe portal management and maintenance (3 lots).
    Gestion et maintenance du portail "L'Europe est à vous".
  • Project I5/6:
    Technische Beratung und Authoring in Zusammenhang mit europaweiten elektronischen Behördendiensten (eGovernment-Diensten). Technical consultancy and authoring for European eGovernment services.
    Services de conseils techniques et de rédaction pour les services d'eGouvernement européen.


Prior information notice n° 227432-2005

(published in the OJ S 231 of 01.12.2005)

B-Brussels: general management consultancy services

  • Study on how to establish a helpdesk to support SMEs to fulfill their duties under REACH

Prior information notice n° 152332-2005

(published in the OJ S 153 of 10.08.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

Multiple framework contracts for independent audits of contractors benefiting from financing granted by the European Commission, namely the Enterprise and Industry DG

Prior information notice n° 046702-2005

(published in the OJ S 49 of 10.03.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Analysing and evaluating the impact on innovation of publicly-funded research programmes

Prior information notice n° 045725-2005

(published in the OJ S 48 of 09.03.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Action C2/1
    service contract on the evaluation of the functioning of the system of CEN and CENELEC to ensure the quality of harmonised European standards in support of European legislation.

Prior information notice n° 045722-2005

(published in the OJ S 48 of 09.03.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Project E1/1
    Design of an award scheme for European centres/regions promoting entrepreneurship.

Prior information notice n° 045720-2005

(published in the OJ S 48 of 09.03.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

· D1/1 Benchmarking of regional innovation policies.

Prior information notice n° 045719-2005

(published in the OJ S 48 of 09.03.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Action H1/1: Study on the feasibility and the impact of scenarios for further emission reduction measures for recreational craft engines in the context of Directive 94/25/EC, as amended by Directive 2003/44/EC.

Prior information notice n° 036037-2005

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23.02.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

Study on the impact of mergers on innovation in a market

Prior information notice n° 036034-2005

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23.02.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Action F1/01 - technical assistance and economic analysis in the field of legislation pertinent to issue of automotive safety

Prior information notice n° 036036-2005

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23.02.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Project I1/1: The impact of cultural and sporting events on tourism-oriented SMEs
  • Project I3/1: Analysis of education and training in the EU wood sector and linked occupations
  • Project I4/1: Study on competitiveness, economic situation and location of production in the textile / clothing, footwear, leather, furniture and toy industries
  • Project I4/2: Awareness-raising actions on the intellectual property rights at multisectoral level
  • Project I4/3: Study on certain chemical substances used in the toys. (Directive 88/378/EEC)
  • Project I4/4: Technical secretariat for notified bodies under the toy safety directive (88/378/EEC)
  • Project I5/1: Operation of a bridge / gateway certification authority for European eGovernment services
  • Project I5/2: Content interoperability technologies for European eGovernment services
  • Project I5/3: Business requirements consultancy for European eGovernment services
  • Project I5/4: Middleware development and operation for European eGovernment services
  • Project I5/5: IDABC open source observatory and repository
  • Project I5/6: Quality assurance and management of European eGovernment projects
  • Project I5/7: Security consultancy and assessment services for European eGovernment services
  • Project I5/8: Your Europe portal management and maintenance
  • Project I5/9: Technical consultancy and authoring for European eGovernment services

Prior information notice n° 036029-2005

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23.02.2005)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Action R4/1: Enterprise Europe newsletter and web publishing programme
  • Action R4/2: Framework contract for organisation of conferences and exhibitions

Prior information notice n° 036028-2005

(published in the OJ S 38 of 23.02.2005)

B-Brussels: various studies

  • Action B2/1 - Annual studies in the area of European competitiveness
  • Action B2/2 - Sectoral analysis of the EU competitiveness in the enlarged EU
  • Action B3/1 - Studies and other supporting services on Commission Impact Assessments (IA) and Evaluations
  • Action B3/2 - Pilot study to assess cumulative regulatory burdens in specific sectors of the economy
  • Action B3/3 - Study on assessing administrative burdens
  • Action B3/4 - Study on self-regulatory practices in the EU
  • Action B4/1 - Study on the impact of the EU emissions trading system scheme and the linking Directive on industrial SMEs and small emitters


Prior information notice n° 148267-2004

(published in the OJ S 173 of 04.09.2004)

B-Brussels: project D4/12: cost-benefit assessment of the use of B2B e-markets for European enterprises, with a special view to online procurement auctions

Prior information notice n° 130358-2004

(published in the OJ S 151 of 05.08.2004)

B-Brussels: project D4/10: Benchmarking of the existing national legal e-business practices, from the point of view of enterprises, with particular emphasis in the fields of e-signature, e-invoicing as well as contract conclusion and implementation

Prior information notice n° 130359-2004

(published in the OJ S 151 of 05.08.2004)

B-Brussels: project D4/11: Legal Study on the national legal and administrative practices regarding the validity and mutual recognition of electronic documents, with a view to identifying the existing legal barriers for enterprises

Prior information notice n° 128487-2004

(published in the OJ S 149 of 03.08.2004)

B-Brussels: project F3/1: users guide to European regulation in biotechnology

Prior information notice n° 113878-2004

(published in the OJ S 134 of 13.08.2004)

B-Brussels: project D4/8: study on the competitiveness of the European ICT industry

Prior information notice n° 110974-2004

(published in the OJ S 131 of 08.07.2004)

B-Brussels: D4/9 impact of free/open source software on innovation and the competitiveness of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector in the EU

Prior information notice n° 076724-2004

(published in the OJ S 96 of 15.05.2004)

B-Brussels: production of the publication 'Euroabstracts'

Prior information notice n° 027723-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

B-Brussels: various services


  • Study on standardisation in the area of accreditation as well as on the status and use of accreditation in the Member States, candidate countries and EFTA countries as a follow-up to the Council Resolution of 10 November 2003 on the New Approach
  • Management of the administrative secretariat of the 'Coordination groups of the notified bodies' in the framework of the Community's New Approach Directives
  • Study on the quality of standardisation
  • Study: European database on personal protective equipment - a tool to identify the personal protective equipment best fitting for the purpose
  • Study on eco-design of energy-using products
  • Study: Cost benefit analysis on the draft amendment of the EU Low Voltage Directive - Corrigendum
  • Study: Introduction to the mechanical and electrical engineering sectors of new EU Member States
  • Annual update of the European Commission's statistical database on the EU engineering industry
  • Promoting eco-design activities in the SMEs of the electrical/electronics sector.
  • Study on competitiveness analysis and initiatives on pressure equipment
  • Benchmarking of construction costs in Member States

Prior information notice n° 027717-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

Technical Secretariat for the group of notified bodies under Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons

Prior information notice n° 027716-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

Guidance for businesses in presenting efficiency claims under the new anti trust rules.

Prior information notice n° 027715-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

B-Brussels: various services

  • Promotional materials for the EIC network
  • Framework contract: logistics costs for organising training activities for the EIC network
  • Access to alternative dispute resolution methods for small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship amongst ethnic minorities
  • Promotion of craft enterprises and SMEs, along with their interests in the field of European standardisation
  • Practices and policies in the social enterprise sector in Europe

Prior information notice n° 027714-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

B-Brussels: Assessment of the European Community system of pharmacovigilance

Prior information notice n° 027713-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

B-Brussels: publishing services for the innovation magazines ('Innovation and Technology Transfer' and 'Euroabstracts') (Project R4/1)

Prior information notice n° 027712-2004

(published in the OJ S 32 of 14.02.2004)

B-Brussels: Various services