The European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) aims to facilitate and accelerate the development, demonstration, and deployment of SMRs in Europe by the early 2030s.
Why small modular reactors matter
Small modular reactors (SMRs) embody innovative safety features, which pave the way for integrating nuclear technologies into new industrial applications and make them more attractive to potential investors. They have a key role to play in integrated energy systems, providing low-carbon electricity and heat with a relatively small footprint. SMRs can contribute to decarbonising sectors with hard-to-abate emissions such as transport, chemical and steel industry, and district heating.
Accelerating SMR development in the EU demands a robust and efficient nuclear supply chain. Collaboration among stakeholders, including project promoters, financial institutions, regulators, researchers, training centres, civil society organisations, and policymakers is essential. The alliance creates a European platform to enable and streamline such a collaboration.
The objectives of the alliance
The alliance aims to facilitate and accelerate the development, demonstration, and deployment of the first SMRs projects in Europe in the early 2030s. It operates through specific working groups to improve enabling conditions for SMRs development, demonstration and deployment including the revitalisation of the nuclear supply chain. Its activities aim to support specific SMR projects and accelerate their deployment on the European market.
To achieve these goals, the alliance will formulate a strategic action plan, together with technology roadmaps, to
- identify the most promising, advanced safe and cost-effective SMR technologies eligible for alliance support
- support SMR projects, strengthening the European supply chain (including fuel and raw materials), by addressing possible gaps, and providing guidance to SMR projects from inception to deployment
- identify investment barriers, analyse funding opportunities, and explore new financial blending options for SMR development
- establish ways to inform and engage potential industrial users of SMRs such as energy-intensive industries, hydrogen producers, etc.
- identify future needs for research on SMRs and advanced modular reactors (AMRs), pinpointing skill gaps along the supply chain that could be addressed under the Euratom Research and Training Programme and by national programmes
- strengthen exchanges and contacts between project promoters, European nuclear safety regulators and regulatory authorities in the EU countries
- promote public engagement about SMRs by working with relevant civil society organisations and NGOs
- facilitate the establishment of a Nuclear Skills Academy under the NZIA and identify future competences and skill development needs
- cooperate with relevant international bodies to help European SMR projects reach international markets
Who can join the alliance and how
The alliance is an inclusive and transparent European platform that is open to all public and private legal entities that meet specific eligibility criteria outlined in the Terms of Reference. These criteria pertain to establishment and professional activities. Individual applications are not accepted.
To join, eligible applicants must sign the alliance declaration and provide the required information according to the Terms of Reference. The alliance’s governing body will assess all applications based on these criteria and provide feedback to each applicant.
The membership application process is currently open.
When applying, please make sure to send both the application form and declaration (with its annexes) signed.
First General Assembly event
On 29 and 30 May 2024, the inaugural meeting of the General Assembly took place in Brussels with all the alliance members and representatives of EU countries, industry, and the European Commission.
Establishing the eight Technical Working Groups (TWGs) listed below is part of the Alliance's approved conclusions.
See more about all the other conclusions.
- TWG1: Industrial Applications
- TWG2: Technology and R&D&I
- TWG3: Supply Chain
- TWG4: Skills
- TWG5: Public Engagement
- TWG6: Nuclear Safety and Safeguard
- TWG7: Fuel cycle and waste management
- TWG8: Financing
The European Green Deal, Fit for 55 policy package, and REPowerEU play a central role in driving energy transition and industry decarbonisation in Europe. Emerging technologies, like small modular reactors (SMRs), are making significant progress and could play a crucial role in integrated energy systems, providing low-carbon energy with a relatively small environmental impact.
SMRs are expected to help respond to the upcoming high demand for clean electricity and high quantities of hydrogen. They can complement conventional nuclear technologies and contribute, next to renewables, to European climate mitigation and sustainability efforts by co-generating low-carbon electricity and heat reliably, consistently, and securely.
The Euratom Research and Training Programme supports R&D activities, including SMRs, nuclear safety, security, safeguards, and radioactive waste management, and emphasises developing nuclear-related skills. The programme includes the so-called indirect actions, implemented through multi-partner consortia Euratom research-funded projects, and the direct actions undertaken by the Joint Research Centre.
On 16 March 2023, the Commission adopted the European Net Zero Industry Act (NZIA), classifying SMR technologies as net-zero technologies allowing the NZIA platform to help accelerate SMR development in Europe.
On 4 April 2023, the Commission announced a Declaration on EU SMR 2030, signed by Commission and stakeholder representatives, confirming their commitment to support R&D activities and skills development for SMRs in Europe. The declaration also emphasises the need to support activities focused on the next generation, advanced modular reactors (AMRs).
On 6 December 2023, the European Parliament adopted a report on SMRs, recognising their potential role in promoting energy transition in Europe. It called for several actions to strengthen the nuclear supply chain and strive for the first deployment of SMRs in Europe by the early 2030s.
On 6 November 2023, in the run up to the 16th European Nuclear Energy Forum (ENEF), Ministers from 12 EU countries and industry representatives called for collaborative efforts to speed up SMR development.
On 6 February 2024, the Commission adopted a communication on ‘Securing our future: Europe's 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society’, announcing the launch of the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs.
The alliance capitalises on the work and experience acquired over the last two years in the framework of the European SMR pre-partnership. This resulted in the publication of five reports in July 2023 on market integration and deployment, licencing, financing, supply chain adaptation, and research & innovation.
- 29 November 20243rd Governing Board meeting
- 7 October 20242nd Governing Board meeting
- 4 July 20241st Governing Board meeting
- 29-30 May 2024First General Assembly meeting
- 12 April 2024Deadline for applications
- 22 March 2024SMR Industrial Alliance dissemination event
Organised in the margins of the Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels, the Commission presented the scope, objectives and activities of the alliance.
See more information.
- 9 Februay 2024Open call for membership launched
- 6 February 2024Communication on 2040 climate target and climate neutrality by 2050
General presentation of the SMR Alliance
1st batch of project working groups (PWGs) under the European Industrial Alliance on SMRs
List of members of the SMR Alliance
Related links
Euratom research and training programme
JRC nuclear activities (incl. SMRs)
SMR projects co-funded by the Euratom R&T Programme
European Parliament report on SMRs
European SMR pre-partnership reports
Communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050
News on Commission allying with industry on SMRs