After the inclusion of professional refrigeration products in the first ecodesign working plan, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements and the energy label for these products was assessed.
Supporting documens
- an ecodesign preparatory study
- a meeting of the ecodesign consultation forum on 19 January 2012
- an impact assessment study, including stakeholder consultation from May to July 2012
Participants of a Member States expert meeting on 28-29 April 2014 voted on the draft ecodesign regulation for professional refrigeration products (professional refrigerated storage cabinets, blast cabinets, process chillers and condensing units) and discussed the draft energy labelling delegated regulation for professional refrigerated storage cabinets.
As a result, 2 measures have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 8 July 2015
The first ecodesign requirements and the first energy label came into force as of 1 July 2016. Please find here
- the Commission communication on the relevant standards and transitional methods
- the transitional method for determination of the SEPR (seasonal energy performance ratio) for process chillers.
Moreover, concerning condensing units, please find here an Excel tool to calculate the SEPR. Manufacturers only need to insert the cooling capacity and COP of the product at the 4 rating points A, B, C and D. The spreadsheet is aligned with the standard prEN13215:2015 and calculates the SEPR value automatically using linear interpolation between the 4 rating points (assuming constant capacity for temperatures above A and below D).
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 1 - professional refrigeration' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of power transformers in the first ecodesign working plan, an ecodesign preparatory study was conducted between 2009 and 2011.
In May 2014, Regulation 548/2014 on ecodesign requirements for small, medium and large power transformers was adopted
- Ecodesign Regulation 548/2014 for small, medium and large power transformers
- Press release of 21 May 2014
- Commission’s impact assessment report (reference 2014/05/21)
References to the following 2 harmonised standards in support of Regulation 548/2014 can be found on our web page on European standards.
- EN 50588-1:2015 on medium power transformers 50 Hz, with highest voltage for equipment not exceeding 36 kV - Part 1: General requirements
- EN 50629:2015 on the energy performance of large power transformers (Um > 36 kV or Sr ≥ 40 MVA)
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 2 – power transformers' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of sound and imaging equipment in the first ecodesign working plan, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements and of an energy label for these products was assessed.
Relevant documents and links
Voluntary agreement on games consoles
The Commission recognised an ecodesign voluntary agreement on games consoles on 22 April 2015. It contains
- industry commitments on minimum energy efficiency levels for all game consoles to be placed on the market when they are used in 'navigation mode' and 'media playback mode'
- a commitment to attempt to cover the 'gaming mode' (the main mode of a console) when it is first revised in 2017
- provisions to make consoles easier to repair by making spare parts and technical documentation available, as well as easier to disassemble
Relevant documents
- Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the voluntary ecodesign scheme for games consoles - COM(2015) 178 final
- Energy efficiency of games consoles - Self-regulatory initiative to further improve the energy efficiency of games consoles (952 kB)
- The game console voluntary agreement
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 3 – Sound and imaging equipment' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of industrial ovens and furnaces in the first ecodesign working plan, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements and of an energy label for these products was assessed.
Relevant documents and links
- Ecodesign preparatory study
- Impact assessment study (currently being finalised)
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 4 – Industrial ovens and furnaces' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of machine tools in the first ecodesign working plan, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements and of an energy label for these products was assessed.
Relevant documents and links
- Ecodesign preparatory study
- Impact assessment study (currently being finalised)
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 5 – Machine tools' in the subject of your email.
After the inclusion of ventilation units in the first ecodesign working plan, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements and the energy label for these products was assessed.
Supporting documents
- an ecodesign preparatory study on non-residential ventilation units and an ecodesign preparatory study on residential ventilation units (former DG ENER Lot 10)
- an ecodesign consultation forum on 6 November 2012
- an impact assessment study
Participants of an expert meeting on 16-17 December 2013 voted on the draft ecodesign regulation for ventilation units.
As a result, 2 measures have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 25 November 2014
The first ecodesign requirements and the first energy label came into force as of 1 January 2016. Following a dedicated technical assistance study, a guidance document and a Commission communication on relevant standards and transitional methods were published.
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 6 – ventilation units' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of steam boilers in the ecodesign working plan 2012-14, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements for these products has been analysed in a dedicated preparatory study. See the final report.
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 7 – steam boilers' in the subject of your email.
Following the inclusion of power cables in the ecodesign working plan 2012-14, a dedicated preparatory study was undertaken between 2013 and 2015.
Relevant documents and links
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 8 – power cables' in the subject of your email.
After the inclusion of enterprise servers, data storage and ancillary equipment in the ecodesign working plan 2012-14, the feasibility of ecodesign requirements for these products has been assessed in a dedicated preparatory study, which ended in November 2015. Moreover, a technical assistance study on standardisation gaps (mainly related to the area of energy efficiency/product performance), ended in August 2016.
- Meeting minutes – preparatory and technical assistance studies
Currently, potential policy options for these products are being analysed by the European Commission in a dedicated impact assessment. With the aim to gather experiences, views and opinions of stakeholders and of the public, various consultations are taking/already took place
- a meeting of the ‘ecodesign consultation forum on servers and data storage products’ on 17 February 2017
- an SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) consultation in 2016
- a public consultation was open from 10 July 2017 until 23 October 2017
A synopsis report summarises the results of the abovementioned consultations. Please do regularly consult this page for further updates.
For additional information, please contact, indicating 'Lot 9 – enterprise servers' in the subject of your email.