EU Transition Pathways
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Background on the transition pathways

A twin transition for resilience

The twin transition of green and digital are each other’s prerequisites if done right and should be developed in tandem to avoid working in opposition with each other. At the same time, the resilience of the industry, meaning the ability to continue business during unforeseen crises or despite disruptions in value chains, is crucial in ensuring the long-term sustainability of the transition.

We can only achieve the goal of a green, digital and resilient economy with the direct involvement of the stakeholders of key industrial ecosystems underpinning the fabric of European industry.

Pathways for transition

Each industrial ecosystem must transform its business models and value chains to become the foundation of a green, digital and resilient European economy.

But such transitions require concrete and actionable plans (transition pathways) developed for each of the industrial ecosystems.

Blueprint for transition

The European Commission and the EU’s Industrial Forum have developed a blueprint for the transition pathways of industrial ecosystems. It consists of the most important elements that need to be addressed in an actionable plan to make the transition possible.

These elements include

  • infrastructure
  • investments and funding
  • regulation and public governance
  • research & innovation, techniques and technological solutions
  • skills
  • social dimension
  • sustainable competitiveness

Following the disruptions caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the need for an accelerated green transition to ensure, among other things, energy efficiency and autonomy as well as more control over strategic value chains has become even more evident. Therefore, the Industrial Forum has set up a rapidly working taskforce to develop an addendum to the blueprint for transition pathways. The addendum adds value to the blueprint by providing a guiding tool on how to take into account the new situation when developing the pathway to green, digital and resilience.

Co-creation of the transition

The process of designing and planning a transition pathway for each industrial ecosystem is open and inclusive. For each ecosystem, there will be a Commission staff working document outlining different scenarios for the transition. These documents will be published individually for public consultation.

Following the public consultation, the Commission and the industrial ecosystem stakeholders will draft a pathway and seek consultation on it from the Industrial Forum before adoption. Similarly, the Industrial Forum will follow the implementation of the pathway.

We will hold open calls for each pathway, where stakeholders can commit to the implementation.

Industrial ecosystems banner with overview of each of the 14 ecosystems

Stakeholder support platform

The Commission has launched a stakeholder support platform: a one-stop-shop to find the necessary resources and work together on solutions to implement the different transition pathways.

It enables industrial ecosystem stakeholders to log on to the platform and access a range of content tailored to their interests, including learning opportunities and resources, funding opportunities, best practices, as well as relevant platforms and communities of practice. The platform also collects pledges and commitments, allowing the visualisation of their progress. Lastly, users can engage in a community discussion and collaboration space.

See the EU Transition Pathways Platform

Overview of transition pathway progress per ecosystem

EcosystemStaff working document with scenariosPublic consultationsTransition PathwayPublic eventCall for commitments and initiatives
Tourism21 June 2021Closed on 15 September 20214 February 2022EU Industry Days - 8 February 2022Launched
Chemicalsn.a.No formal public consultation27 January 2023-Launched
Metals sectorsn.a.No formal public consultationQ3 2024-To be launched
Mobility24 January 2022Closed on 29 April 202226 January 2024Round table event - 29 February 2024Launched
Construction14 December 2021Closed on 28 February 202215 March 2023High Level Construction Forum meeting – 15 March 2023Launched
Proximity and Social Economy8 December 2021Closed on 28 February 202214 November 2022Launch event - 14 November 2022Launched
Textiles30 March 2022Closed on 15 June 20226 June 2023-Launched
Retail28 July 2023Closed on 26 September 202312 March 2024High-level conference on retail - 12 March 2024Launched
Agri-food24 July 2023Closed on 19 September 202311 March 2024Open Food Conference - 11 March 2024Launched
Aerospace26 July 2023Closed on 3 November 20237 June 2024ILA Air Show in Berlin – 7 June 2024

Other strategies

EcosystemStaff working document with scenariosPublic consultationsTransition pathwayPublic eventCall for commitments and initiatives
Energy Intensive Industries21 September 2021Closed on 26 November 2021Transition pathway covered by:
Masterplan for a competitive transformation of
EU energy-intensive industries (2019)
RenewablesTransition pathway covered by: REPowerEU (2022)
HealthTransition pathway covered by: HERA (2020), the revision of the pharmaceutical legislation (2022), the IPCEI for health (2022) and the security of medicines supply under the pharmaceutical strategy for Europe (2020)
Creative and Cultural IndustriesTransition pathway covered by: European media action plan (2020)
DigitalTransition pathway covered by: The digital decade compass and policy programme (2021)
ElectronicsTransition pathway covered by: The EU Chips Act (2022)
Defence Industry26 July 2023Closed on 3 November 2023Transition pathway covered by: European Defence Industrial Strategy (26 February  2024)--