We need to accelerate the green and digital transition and increase European industry resilience. To that end, the European Commission works together with industry, public authorities, social partners and other stakeholders.
The mobility ecosystem comprises the entire value chain of the automotive, waterborne, rail and bike industries. Following the updated EU Industrial Strategy, we launched the transition pathway for the mobility ecosystem. In doing so, we support the ecosystem’s twin transition while ensuring it remains competitive and resilient to crisis.
We invited stakeholders to join us in the co-creation of a transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem. Through this inclusive process, we identified what the digital and green transitions and increasing resilience mean for the mobility industrial ecosystem, and what specific actions and commitments are needed to accompany the transition.
We are running a call for pledges among public and private actors and stakeholders in the EU mobility ecosystem to encourage a green and digital transition.
Submit your pledge
Please respond by 1 October 2024.
See the section on 'co-implementation of the mobility transition pathway' further below for more context and details.
The sections below will guide you through the different steps of the co-creation process of the Mobility Industrial Ecosystem Transition Pathway.
The Commission published a staff working document in January 2022 to initiate the co-creation process. The staff working document invited stakeholders to reflect and contribute to the scenarios for 2030 and listed key enablers for the transition of the mobility ecosystem. Furthermore, it invited stakeholders to collaborate and propose concrete actions, commitments and investments at sectoral, national and regional levels.
Using the staff working document, the Commission invited stakeholders to fill a consultation survey conducted from January to April 2022 to learn about their views and needs of the mobility ecosystem. It asked stakeholders to assess the scale, cost, benefits and conditions of the required actions for the twin transition of the mobility ecosystem. The responses were essential to identify the mobility transition pathway’s main areas and topics of focus.
Following the public consultation, the Commission invited all interested stakeholders to participate in the first co-creation roundtable event on the transition pathway for the mobility ecosystem on 28 November 2022 to move towards a smart, sustainable and resilient mobility ecosystem. Over 150 stakeholders participated in this event that focused on the three key topics identified in the stakeholder consultation
- the role of the regions
- the social dimension
- and the means to accelerate the transition
Based on the exchanges in the roundtable event in November 2022 and contributions from the follow-up survey in December 2022, seven co-creation roundtables - co-chaired by main stakeholders and the Commission - were established and met during the first half of 2023. The composition of these roundtables aimed to reflect the complexity of the EU mobility ecosystem
- one roundtable per each of the four mobility industrial sectors (i.e. automotive, rail, waterborne, and cycling)
- three additional roundtables based on horizontal topics (i.e. social dimension, R&I, and regional issues)
The co-creation roundtable format facilitated exchanges between authorities and stakeholders to identify business cases and further actions. Stakeholders across the mobility ecosystem discussed existing good practices, identified what could be done and gave clues as to possible commitments and pledges regarding the twin transition.
The Transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem was published on 26 January 2024. The report includes some 112 specific actions to support the twin transitions and the long-term resilience and competitiveness of the mobility industrial ecosystem. We divided the actions into seven building blocks, each representing one key aspect of the transition.
See the Transition Pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem report.
As part of the co-implementation process, on 16 April 2024, the European Commission published a call for pledges. Through this call, we encourage, collect, promote and support public and private mobility stakeholders’ pledges promoting ambitious and concrete actions to move towards the green and digital transition of the EU mobility ecosystem.
The call for pledges will remain open during the entire co-implementation process of the pathway, meaning that you can submit pledges anytime. The Commission will regularly review pledges proposed by stakeholders and publish them in batches on its website. Since the first publication round is planned for the end of 2024, we invite stakeholders to submit their pledges by 1 October 2024.