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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • News article
  • 15 January 2016
  • Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • 1 min read

Online machine translation service available for all TED notices

To increase transparency in public procurement opportunities, an online machine translation service will be available, free of charge, for all public procurement notices published in Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) from 15 January 2016. This service will be available from and to all 24 EU official languages.

Automatic translations can be requested for any public procurement notice available in TED and will be made available shortly after the request is sent.

This function is being implemented because language has been identified by stakeholders and suppliers, in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as one of the main barriers to cross-border bidding. Improving translation will also make easier for our trading partners to access information.

The machine translation option is aimed at making it easier for companies and suppliers to participate in cross-border tenders throughout the EU. Furthermore, reflecting the EU's commitment to more open public procurement globally, the service is going to benefit bidders from non-EU countries with whom the EU has public procurement commitments through international agreements (such as the WTO plurilateral Government Procurement Agreement or bilateral FTA agreements). The service therefore responds to the requests raised by specific EU trading partners.

Further information:

Background on TED

TED is a website managed by the Publications Office of the European Union which allows companies to find out about public procurement opportunities from the EU, the European Economic Area and beyond through one single point of access.