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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • News article
  • 28 June 2022
  • Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • 1 min read

Tourism organisations take concrete steps for the green and digital transition

As part of the Transition Pathway for Tourism, 112 tourism organisations have already committed to the transition of EU tourism. 186 pledges were published today and more should follow.

In February 2022, the European Commission called tourism stakeholders to share concrete actions to help co-implement the Transition Pathway for Tourism and work together towards greener, more digital and resilient tourism.

With 186 pledges, the first batch of commitments shows the strong interest and willingness of EU tourism players to work on the transition of EU tourism. Overall, 112 organisations from 20 EU countries, the United Kingdom and Switzerland have responded to the call to renew EU tourism.

The pledges cover 25 out of 27 topics of the Transition Pathway for Tourism, including areas such as policy and governance, sustainable mobility, green transition, digital transition, skills, resilience and inclusion, and stakeholder support.

Graphs of stakeholder organistions by country and type


Visit the commitments and pledges webpage for more information

This is a successful start to the long-term transition process. Many more pledges are in the pipeline, still being fine-tuned and clarified by their submitters and will be published in Autumn 2022. The Commission will take stock and publish new and updated commitments up to 3 times a year.

If you also want to join the transition of EU tourism, please answer our call for commitments.


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