Overview of EU instruments contributing to the internationalisation of European businesses (2023) - European Commission
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  • Report

Overview of EU instruments contributing to the internationalisation of European businesses (2023)

The goal of this overview is to facilitate access to information relevant for the European Union (EU) stakeholders pursuing business internationalisation on available funding EU instruments (both direct and indirect).


ISBN: 978-92-68-05249-5, doi: 10.2873/36139, Cat. Number: ET-09-23-308-EN-N
Publication date
26 July 2023
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


The overview is a result of the joint effort of several European Commission services. The list includes regional and bilateral specific instruments which can help EU businesses in their goal of internationalisation. It also provides additional information in shape of relevant hyperlinks. The overview does not cover general enabling framework, such as free trade agreements.

This overview also responds to recommendation 1(a) of July 2022 European Court of Auditors Special report: “The Commission should make information available about existing instruments and projects receiving EU co-funding in the field of internationalisation”.


  • 26 JULY 2023
Overview of EU instruments contributing to the internationalisation of European businesses (2023)