- Publication date
- 27 July 2022 (Last updated on: 24 March 2023)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
The monthly analysis monitors the general impact on industrial ecosystems, provides updates on specific issues from the previous weeks, and looks at the status of the main EU and international companies operating in Russia.
Each monthly analysis gives an update on what mitigating measures EU countries have introduced to ease supply chain disruptions. The analysis also covers the main trade trends in Russia and Ukraine and gives an overview of the financial, humanitarian and military support provided by the EU Institutions and governments worldwide.
Periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine.
Periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine.
Periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine.
Periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine
October 2022 edition of the periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine
September 2022 edition of the periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine
2nd edition of the periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine
First edition (June 2022) of the periodic analysis of global supply chain resilience and issues linked to the war in Ukraine