Low Voltage Directive (LVD) - European Commission
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Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

The low voltage directive (LVD) (2014/35/EU) ensures that electrical equipment within certain voltage limits provides a high level of protection for European citizens, and benefits fully from the single market. It has been applicable since 20 April 2016.

About the low voltage directive (LVD)

The low voltage directive (LVD) covers health and safety risks on electrical equipment operating with an input or output voltage of between

  • 50 and 1000 V for alternating current
  • 75 and 1500 V for direct current

It applies to a wide range of electrical equipment for both consumer and professional usage, such as

  • household appliances
  • cables
  • power supply units
  • laser equipment
  • certain components, e.g. fuses

EU legislation in the electrical sector is important to ensure that health and safety requirements are the same across Europe for products placed on the market.

The general product safety directive (2001/95/EC) covers consumer goods with a voltage below 50 V for alternating current, or below 75 V for direct current. It aims to ensure that only safe consumer products are sold in the EU.

Implementation and guidance

National authorities are responsible for implementing and enforcing the LVD – this is because they transpose the provisions of EU directives into their own national legislation.

These guidelines on the LVD have no weight in law, but they explain various elements of the directive and its application. The Commission drafted the guidelines in collaboration with stakeholders such as national authorities, industry bodies and standardisation bodies.

Economic operators can discuss specific implementation issues with national implementation authorities.

The LVD is aligned with the new legislative framework policy and has replaced Directive 2006/95/EC, while keeping the same scope and safety objectives. Guidance on the LVD transition from 2006/95/EC to 2014/35/EU is available.

Further guidance is available from the LVD working party (LVD WP) and LVD administrative cooperation working group (ADCO).

Working party (LVD WP)

The working party (LVD WP) deals with general policy issues related to managing and implementing the LVD.

LVD WP is chaired by the Commission and involves groups such as

  • authorities from EU countries
  • standardisers
  • industry stakeholders

Documents produced by LVD WP are not legally binding – rather, they are designed to clarify certain provisions or elements of the LVD.

Administrative cooperation working group (LVD ADCO)

LVD ADCO is an independent working group run and chaired by EU countries. It provides a forum where national market surveillance authorities can cooperate and exchange information.

LVD ADCO produces documents such as recommendations and reports of cross-border market surveillance projects. These documents are not legally binding and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Commission or the LVD WP.

Market surveillance authorities can decide to apply the principles of LVD ADCO documents – but they must still comply with the LVD.


Unlike LVD 2006/95/EC, under LVD 2014/35/EU only the references of the harmonised standards published in the OJEU give presumption of conformity with the safety objectives.

Current list of European harmonised standards under the LVD

Relevant information

The Commission adopted the staff working document evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU. The purpose of this evaluation was to analyse the performance of the Low Voltage Directive in meeting its objectives of facilitating the free movement of electrical equipment across the Union and protecting consumers' and users' health and safety. The evaluation assessed the extent to which the directive is fit for purpose, hence continues to deliver effectively, efficiently and at minimum cost the intended benefits for consumers and business.

An independent study supported the evaluation of the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU by assessing its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence with other legislation, relevance and EU added value.

Contact points

Notified bodies

The new LVD does not require notified bodies to assess if products to be placed on the market comply with the applicable EU legislation. The manufacturer alone is responsible for determining this by carrying out conformity assessment procedures.

Unregulated certificates warning

Unregulated certificates, which are often called ‘voluntary certificates’ besides other names, are often issued for some products covered by EU harmonisation legislation by certification bodies not acting in their capacity as notified bodies under EU law. These practices are misleading since only notified bodies may issue certificates of compliance for harmonised products and only in the area for which they are notified. For example, if a body is notified to issue certificates for machinery, it should not issue certificates (voluntary or other) for non-machinery products (such as personal protective equipment – masks).

Please note that, under EU law, voluntary or other additional certificates are not a recognised means to prove compliance. Consequently, they have no value in the case of checks by market surveillance authorities or customs. However, an exception arises in instances where voluntary certification is outlined in specific legislation. In such cases, while the certificate is not obligatory, it must adhere to explicit requirements if chosen to be acquired.

Voluntary certificates can create the impression that the product conforms with applicable EU harmonisation legislation, although such certificates are not issued by an authorised body.

Voluntary certificates must not be confused with third-party conformity assessment certification by notified bodies within the area for of competence for which they are notified, due to the use of terms such as ‘certification’ or ‘independent third party’ or the presence of the CE marking on the certificate.

CE marking can only be affixed after testing the product and performing the conformity assessment procedure prescribed by the applicable EU harmonisation legislation. It is not acceptable for voluntary certificates to bear a CE marking.