Dedicated support and actions - European Commission
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Dedicated support and actions

Intelligent Cities Challenge

The Intelligent Cities Challenge supports European cities in leading the intelligent, green and socially responsible transformation.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) initiative brings together an active community of 136 EU cities from 21 countries, representing 34 million EU citizens, to lead the green and digital transformation of their local economies and foster social resilience, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovation.

ICC provides cities with a clear direction on local economic development that is environmentally sustainable and socially just. The initiative offers cities one-to-one strategic guidance, access to city networks and capacity building tools like the blueprint for local green deals, the cities guide for up- and reskilling of local workforce, and a Tech4Good marketplace for solutions that advance good social, environmental and economic causes.

See the video on the Intelligent Cities Challenge.

Local green deals

Local green deals develop sustainable local development strategies and resilient business models for SMEs.

Local green deals are integrated sustainable development strategies and action plans, developed by cities to direct the local economy towards a sustainable and inclusive pathway, create new jobs, mitigate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic and accelerate a new, green and fairer recovery. To succeed, local green deals need collaborative governance structures and partnerships with all local actors and citizens. Many cities are leading by example and a blueprint for local green deals was developed to inspire and support other cities imitate the good examples. Over 30 ICC Mayors and city leaders made commitments for local green deals during the ICC Mayors summit in June 2020.

See the dedicated call for proposals on local green deals

Reskilling and upskilling guidance for cities

We help prepare local workforces for the green and digital transitions and the jobs of the future through reskilling and upskilling guidance for cities.

Cities all over Europe are already spearheading Europe’s long-term vision towards climate neutrality, digitalisation and resilience. However, no transformation can materialise without the right skills. Cities and local actors are crucial in the major up-and-reskilling momentum triggered by the pact for skills. Based on innovative and effective examples of pioneering cities, the cities guide for reskilling provides a strategic and pro-active approach to manage reskilling of the workforce and support the development of the skills needed for the green and digital transformation.

A tailored local reskilling network involving local companies, knowledge institutes, local authorities, trade unions, and citizens is key to success. It helps identify local skills gaps and future skills needs as well as match the right people to the right roles to drive transformation and innovation.

Tech4Good marketplace

The Tech4Good marketplace deploys technology-powered solutions and business models designed for economic, social and environmental causes.

The Tech4Good marketplace provides a single and trustful platform to boost access to ethical, labelled, efficient solutions that are human-centred, affordable and solve concrete challenges of the proximity and social economy ecosystem, developed by local SMEs, social enterprises and start-ups.

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