The strategic implementation plan (SIP) is the EIP’s action plan. It incorporates inputs from EU governments, industry, academia and NGOs, consulted at meetings of the EIP’s operational groups. It was endorsed by the EIP’s high level steering group on 25 September 2013.
The strategic implementation plan sets out the objectives, targets and actions to be reached or implemented by 2020. It consists of 2 parts
- Part I - EIP objectives, targets & methodology, overall strategy
- Part II - Priority areas, action areas & actions targeting sector-specific stakeholders & practitioners

The overall objective of the EIP on raw materials is to contribute to the 2020 objectives of the EU's industrial policy — increasing the share of industry to 20 % of GDP — and the objectives of the flagship initiatives 'innovation union' and 'resource efficient Europe', by ensuring the sustainable supply of raw materials to the European economy whilst increasing benefits for society as a whole.
This will be achieved by
- Reducing import dependency and promoting production and exports by improving supply conditions from EU, diversifying raw materials sourcing and improving resource efficiency (including recycling) and finding alternative raw materials.
- Putting Europe at the forefront in raw materials sectors and mitigating the related negative environmental, social and health impacts.
The strategic implementation plan makes the above objectives more concrete by setting specific targets for the EIP to meet by 2020.
- Up to 10 innovative pilot actions on exploration, mining, processing, and recycling for innovative production of raw materials;
- Substitutes for at least 3 applications of critical and scarce raw materials
- Framework conditions for primary raw materials that would provide a stable and competitive supply from EU sources and facilitate its public acceptance
- Framework conditions for enhanced efficiency in material use and in waste prevention, re-use and recycling, and raw materials efficient product design
- European raw materials knowledge base with information, flows and dynamic modelling system for primary and secondary raw materials
- Network of research, education and training centres on sustainable raw materials management organised as a knowledge and innovation community
- Pro-active international co-operation strategy of the EU at bilateral and multilateral level, promoting synergies with countries such as the US, Japan, Australia, Canada, Latin America and African Union across the different areas covered by the EIP
Priority areas & actions
The strategic implementation plan (part II) includes 95 concrete actions, structured into 7 priority areas and 24 action areas:
- I.A. Research and innovation coordination
- I.1. Improving research and innovation coordination
- I.B. Technologies for primary and secondary RM production
- I.2. Exploration
- I.3. Innovative extraction of raw materials
- I.4. Processing and refining of raw materials
- I.5. Recycling of raw materials from products, buildings and infrastructure
- I.C. Substitution of raw materials
- I.6. Materials for green energy technologies
- I.7. Materials for electronic devices
- I.8. Materials under extreme conditions
- I.9. Applications using materials in large quantities
- II.A. Improving Europe’s raw materials framework conditions
- II.1. Minerals policy framework
- II.2. Access to minerals potential in the EU
- II.3. Public awareness, acceptance and trust
- II.B. Improving Europe’s waste management framework conditions and excellence
- II.4. Product design for optimised use of (critical) raw materials and increased quality recycling
- II.5. Optimised waste flows for increased recycling
- II.6. Prevention of illegal waste shipments
- II.7. Optimised material recovery
- II.C. Knowledge, skills and raw materials flows
- II.8. EU raw materials knowledge base
- II.9. Possible EIT knowledge and innovation community
- II.10. Optimised raw material flows along value chains
- III. International cooperation
- III.1. Technology
- III.2. Global raw materials governance and dialogues
- III.3. Health, safety and environment
- III.4. Skills, education and knowledge
- III.5. Investment activities
EIP documents
- Strategic implementation plan for the EIP on raw materials - Part 1
- Strategic implementation plan for the EIP on raw materials - Part 2
- Communication: making raw materials available for Europe's future well-being
- Staff working paper on making raw materials available for Europe's future well-being
- Press release: EIP on raw materials, agriculture and healthy ageing to boost competitiveness 2012
- Memo: EIP to overcome Europe's raw materials shortages 2012
- Press release: EU innovation master plan for raw materials 2013
- Memo: EIP to reduce EU's dependency on raw materials 2013