Securing a sustainable supply of raw materials is a key priority for the EU. Raw materials, such as metals and minerals or forest-based materials, have become increasingly important to the EU's economy, growth, and competitiveness. More than 30 million jobs in the EU and many key economic sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and renewable energy are dependent on a sustainable supply of raw materials. Raw materials are particularly crucial for the development of modern environmentally friendly technologies and a strong European industrial base. Without them, there wouldn’t be any smartphones, laptops, or cars.
In the spotlight
- Report: critical and other raw materials' recovery from mining waste and landfills
- Publication: guidance on cascading use of woody biomass
- Study: competitiveness of cement and lime sectors
- Cumulative cost assessment of EU ceramics and glass
Policy and strategy
The Raw materials initiative is the EU’s raw materials strategic policy framework. In addition, the European Commission launched 3 large initiatives
- The European innovation partnership on raw materials
- Steel action plan
- EU blueprint for EU forest-based industries
Areas of specific interest
Find out more about the Commission’s actions at EU and international level
- research and innovation / horizon 2020
- critical raw materials (CRM)
- Rare earth elements, permanent magnets, and motors
- knowledge base
- trade
- raw materials diplomacy
- skills and education
- resource efficiency and recycling
The Commission's objective is to promote, within the EU’s wider industrial policy, the competitiveness of industries related to raw materials
- Mining industries comprising of minerals and non-energy extractive industries
- Metal industries comprising of non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, copper, and zinc - and ferrous materials such as steel
- Non-metallic mineral products industries comprising of the production of cement and lime, ceramics, glass
- Forest based industries consisting of four major sectors: wood working, furniture, paper and pulp manufacturing, and printing
- Due diligence ready! tool to responsibly source minerals and metals and comply with regulations