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Ecodesign and energy labelling – Domestic ovens, hobs and range hoods

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 65/2014 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 66/2014

Short name

Ecodesign and energy labelling – Domestic ovens, hobs and range hoods


Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 65/2014 of 1 October 2013 supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of domestic ovens and range hoods (Text with EEA relevance)

OJ L 29, 31.1.2014

Commission Regulation (EU) No 66/2014 of 14 January 2014 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for domestic ovens, hobs and range hoods (Text with EEA relevance)

OJ L 29, 31.1.2014



Directives/regulations repealed


Guide for application
Commission contact point

Directorate-General (DG) for Energy - Energy Efficiency Unit
Contact DG Energy
Energy label and ecodesign webpage

For information about the content and availability of European standards, please contact the European Standardisation Organisations.


(This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal.)

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The summary list hereunder is a compilation of the references of harmonised standards which have been generated by the HAS (Harmonised standards) database. This IT application HAS automates the process of the publication of the references of harmonised standards in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Although the list is updated regularly, it may not be complete and it does not have any legal validity; only publication in the Official Journal gives legal effect.

(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under Union harmonisation legislation)

ESO (1)Reference and title of the standard
(and reference document)
First publication OJReference of superseded standardDate of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard
Note 1

EN 30-2-1:2015

Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 2-1: Rational use of energy - General


EN 15181:2017 (new)

Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens

This is the first publication  
Clause 9 on uncertainty and verification procedures is not part of the present citation.

EN 60350-1:2013

Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring performance
IEC 60350-1:2011 (Modified)

EN 60350-1:2013/A11:201410/07/2015Note 3 

EN 60350-1:2016

Household electric cooking appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills - Methods for measuring Performance
IEC 60350-1:2016 (Modified)


EN 60350-1:2013
+ A11:2014

Note 2.1


EN 60350-2:2013

Household electric cooking appliances - Part 2: Hobs - Methods for measuring performance
IEC 60350-2:2011 (Modified)

EN 60350-2:2013/A11:201412/04/2017Note 3 

EN 61591:1997

Household range hoods and other cooking fume extractors - Methods for measuring performance
IEC 61591:1997

EN 61591:1997/A1:2006
IEC 61591:1997/A1:2005
10/07/2015Note 3 
EN 61591:1997/A11:201414/10/2016Note 3 
EN 61591:1997/A12:201514/10/2016Note 3 
EN 61591:1997/A2:2011
IEC 61591:1997/A2:2010
10/07/2015Note 3 
This standard needs to be completed to clearly indicate those legal requirements aimed to be covered.